September 21, 2024

A Holocaust memorial built by a government supporting Israel’s genocide?


Starmer’s Labour government will build a memorial to the horrors of the Holocaust at the heart of Westminster to ensure future generations “continue to learn lessons from the past”.

Meanwhile in support of Israel’ genocide that same government is:

This is beyond hypocrisy, it is an example of the banality to evil, all part of the ongoing attempt to weaponise the mass slaughters of the past to silence all criticism of the mass slaughters of today. Perhaps we should expect no more from a political party so tainted by Israeli money.

This memorial will not honour the victims of the Holocaust it will trample on them, affording the crypto fascist Israeli lobby a victory roll inside the very heart of the British Parliament.

This is what Starmer’s Labour does best, it pulls sad faces about child poverty and then decides to drive more children into poverty by retaining the two child benefit cap. It pulls sad faces about Gaza and hostages and then provides ongoing support for a genocide. It pulls sad faces about the housing crisis and then refuses to build any council houses. It pulls sad faces about our rivers and beaches being full of sewage and then refuses to bring our water supply back into British public ownership. It pulls sad faces about the NHS and then brings back the privatisation guru that helped wreck it in the first place. It pulls sad faces about in work poverty but says all Tory austerity measures must remain in place (while pledging endless billions for NATO).

I say this to Labour voters…

…is this what you wanted? Is this the ‘CHANGE’ you were seeking? Israel has just passed a bill rejecting Palestinian statehood, are you outraged by that? Will Labour champion your anger and do anything about it? Nah.

But they will pull a sad face on your behalf and then do exactly what the Tories would have done anyway. This defines the actual ‘change’ you voted for, the same venal policies but with a sad face. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

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