October 16, 2024

Every picture tells a story…

Every picture tells a story.

Here is a snapshot of The Guardian’s politics section this morning.


Puff piece interviews with Liz Kendal & Andy Burnham.

Nice space for the views of Yvette Cooper to look credible

and a story The Guardian ran yesterday as their splash leader, a blog post by a former Labour spin doctor rubbishing Corbyn.

Can The Guardian sink any lower? Some might argue that the aforementioned spin doctor should be on trial for conspiracy to commit war crimes – not on the front page of The Guardian.

The Guardian has given prominent space for Tony Blair, Neil Kinnock, Lord MandelsonAlan Johnson and now Alastair Campbell to rubbish Corbyn.

With Corbyn as leader, Tony Blair, Jack Straw, and Campbell might see the inside of a jail cell for their roles in the illegal invasion of Iraq , so one can only reflect that this is yet another refreshing example of the wonderfully balanced coverage we have come to expect from The Guardian!