May 19, 2024

A coalition of liars is trying to smash Jeremy Corbyn – fight back!

A coalition of liars is trying to subvert the democratic mandate of the Labour Party membership by conspiring to unseat Jeremy Corbyn from his role as leader of the Labour Party.

Recent events have illuminated in stark clarity the battle that is being waged for the very soul of Labour.

On one side we have Jeremy Corbyn, a politician with a lifelong commitment to activism and integrity – standing alongside him is the overwhelming majority of Labour’s grassroots membership and the hopes of the genuinely progressive left – who have displayed a unity not seen for decades.

On the other side we have an unholy rump of careerist neoliberal Blairite MP’s, many of whom talk like conservatives and who have backed that up by refusing to oppose some of the Tories most hated legislation, including the heinous Welfare Reform Bill. They are conspiring as they always do with the corporate media and its oligarch owners, to replace democracy in the Labour Party with domination by and for the elites. A return to the status quo that Blair created. 

In the vanguard as always is The Guardian – stenographers for the wealthy and powerful, faithfully distorting and lying as hard as they can to create the illusion that this small group of plotting liars represents some kind of massive rebellion. Reporting in lurid headlines the nonsense of any MP, any former aide to Tony Blair, erm Tony Blair and anyone they can dredge up to manufacture this ‘news’. Right alongside them is the establishment’s broadcaster the BBC – with Laura Kuenssberg obviously in touch with the plotters and reporting with glee every word and action.

A nexus of power, money and privilege is attempting to tell YOU that you have no right to decide anything by democratic vote – that leadership must always reside with the neoliberal consensus that is destroying Britain piece by piece

Remember this picture – remember the packed halls and the hope that Jeremy Corbyn did and does represent – that the Labour Party might actually return to represent ordinary people instead of the establishment and corporate wealth?

Labour leadership candidate Jeremy Corbyn speaks outside the Tyne Theatre and Opera House, Newcastle, during his campaign.

Well all that is at risk right now. Either the grassroots of the Labour Party, its members and supporters win the day or we return to Labour being an empty shell of a party – full of empty spin and meaningless buzzwords, with nothing to offer but more of the same failed free market dogma that you can get just as easily from the Tories.

Don’t let them get away it – nothing is happening now which hasn’t been happening from the moment Corbyn was nominated in the leadership election – the corporate media and the closet tory MP’s within Labour will always plot to destroy the return of democracy to the Labour Party.

Make some noise and make it now. Let the Labour Party know and let the world know that we won’t allow the propaganda sheets of billionaires and the nakedly selfish ambitions of a few busted and corrupt MP’s take away our hopes for the future.

The grassroots Labour movement got Corbyn elected by a landslide despite the impotent wails of the usual suspects – the reason they are so desperate to get rid of Corbyn is because they are frightened of him, frightened of us, frightened of you – we can not only squash this laughable plot but we can Jeremy Corbyn elected as Prime Minister in 2020 as well.

Don’t delay – enjoy this moment, its time to remind the Blairite dinosaurs that their time is nearly up and that Jeremy Corbyn, democracy and hope are here to stay.