September 21, 2024

Are you ready to lick Bojo’s big pink lollipop?


Boris Johnson is to spend £900k of taxpayers money painting the army plane that ferries him around in more interesting colours.

Ex-army types are unimpressed – pointing out that it will be useless for military operations thereafter, resembling and becoming as useful as a ‘brightly coloured lolipop’ – albeit one with a net loss to the taxpayer of £240 million.

If this plan to piss away public money follows the pattern of Bojo’s other follies, then his chosen colour scheme of red,white and blue will run in the rain to become a sort of pink – then we can gasp with awe at BoJo’s big pink lollipop – which is of course is what this is all about. The trouble with us lefties? Lollipop envy. 

No-one with any morality or common sense could humiliate themselves by kneeling to swallow BoJo’s big pink lollipop (idea) but then there are people like Dominic Raab. Not that Dominic agrees with ‘taking a knee’ by way of dignified support for Black Lives Matter – that would be subjugation – he prefers to wear out his knee pads telling egregious lies at C-19 press briefings. 

What message will BoJo paint on the side of his big pink lollipop as it soars over the peasantry of his pandemic ridden fiefdom? Contenders might include:

  • 65,000 dead! We lead the world in Covid-19!
  • Lets send £11 million quid to Serco (for a track and trace system that doesn’t work) – not the NHS.
  • No Deal Brexit – free iphones and a million in cash for everyone!

Bojo was not so happy to give lollipops or indeed food to starving British children during a pandemic. His logic was that children from the poorest families could live off fresh air during the summer holidays: much cheaper than all those unnecessary food vouchers.

Marcus Rashford told Boris that children would actually need food over the summer holidays – not just one of Matt Hancock’s badges with POOR written on it and some applause. Boris disagreed – but there was a stink in the newspapers and so then he agreed. 

Perhaps Bojo can now dispense with Dominic Cummings? If he has a question about foreign policy, climate change or international trade he can always ring Marcus Rashford or perhaps Anthony Martial at a push.

Also in need of celebrity help is Matt Hancock who gave Serco £11 million for a ‘world beating’ C-19 track and trace system only to find that it doesn’t work and never will. Perhaps Mo Salah has something on his phone that might help since Apple and Google seemed stumped.

It might help if somebody within HMG would actually talk to Apple and Google. They knew nothing until Matt announced how closely they were working with him on it. Sod these foreign companies – its not our fault if they miss staff meetings they weren’t invited to.

Nothing about the UK’s disastrous and bizarre responses to C-19  would surprise me any more. Since Matt’s connection to reality is pretty wobbly on a good day, it might be best if he responds to Bojo’s big pink lollipop with a loopy policy proposal of his own.

Perhaps families with C-19 can all self isolate in a big yellow teapot or a big shoe – but not before whipping the children soundly and sending them to bed without any food vouchers.

As the WHO warns that the C-19 pandemic is accelerating globally, the nation with the worst record in dealing with it – the UK – has decided it’s all over bar the bragging rights. Boris is proud of the Tories ‘world beating’ defeat of the virus and the government is now pre-occupied with how best to re-open schools and pub gardens.

If this appears insane to you, if 65,000 excess deaths seems a grotesque thing to be proud of – then you’re right, it is grotesque and insane and this is the new normal.

Can anybody be bothered to point out the bloomin obvious moral outrages and reality disconnects in the UK anymore? If yes – then go to it friends. If not…

…wave your hands in the air as the big pink lollipop spins in the sunlight…lock the doors to your big yellow teapot and buy Bojo’s new single – a Right Said Fred cover:

‘I’m too sexy for my plane – too sexy for my plane…’

Since 2013 I have worked between 4-6 hours a day on this Ad-Free site: trying to give a voice to those without the power or agency to speak out for themselves and uncovering truths that well paid journalists in the corporate media dare not utter.

I am a home schooling parent on a low income – paying for the domain, web hosting and security entirely out of my own pocket.  

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Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.     

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