September 21, 2024

Guardian races to shore up its antisemitism smears against Corbyn’s Labour


Re-framing narratives: taking truths and twisting them into lies is the job of the corporate media. 

Every day at least a dozen major fabrications, smears and distortions do the rounds as headlines. Hundreds of other ‘stories’, op-eds, opinion pieces and live blogs do the work of adding twisted credibility. Lies repeated often enough gain traction. That is why corporate hacks get the big bucks and we struggle to pay for our web hosting!

In a new feature for Sodium Haze: Here is our… LIE OF THE WEEK

This is part of a long running propaganda campaign (peddled primarily by The Guardian) about alleged antisemitism within the Labour movement while Jeremy Corbyn was leader. It’s an open secret that The Guardian,  a bastion of Oxbridge educated white privilege and neoliberal values, has hated Corbyn from the get go.

The Guardian soft soaps Israeli war crimes: proactively serving the powerful Israeli lobby by hurling false accusations of antisemitism against proponents of BDS and Palestinian rights.

The Guardian’s coverage places Palestinians murdered by Israeli sniper way below their own fabrications about racism within Labour. Those Jews who won’t rubber stamp their pro-Israeli and and anti-Corbyn narratives are denied a platform: clearly they are seen as the wrong kind of Jews. The Guardian’s ‘coverage’ has led many to conclude that this right wing newspaper is also institutionally racist.

The Guardian has worked with the Israeli lobby to depict any criticism of Israel as anti semitic – simultaneously smearing Corbyn and his supporters as racists. In collusion with the Labour right, The Guardian weaponised antisemitism against the left. Sadly their tactics worked well – but no con trick is complete without the cover up.

When an internal Labour investigation discovered that…

(a) Right wing staffers had proactively sabotaged Labour’s response to antisemitism,

(b) Claims made by Labour staffers during a hostile BBC Panorama documentary were wholly false

(c) Senior Labour right wingers worked to undermine Labour’s 2017 electoral chances

…the great antisemitism swindle was in danger of  being uncovered.

The Guardian swiftly rubbished the report, focusing on the leak and avoiding its content almost entirely. 

Those outed by the report started legal actions against Labour as a smokescreen, but with victory in the bag for the Labour right, the extant court-case left incoming leader Keir Starmer with a problem.

Starmer and many other right wingers had deployed the antisemitism smears against the Labour left: an investigative court case could potentially expose them all. If Labour as the (now reluctant) defendants ‘won’, the antisemitism smears against Corbyn would be very publicly exposed as lies. 

The Labour right and The Guardian were not about to be skewered by their own fraud – so they invented a two-pronged lie to cover up their previous scams (such is the ‘fearless journalism’ they invite you to pay for). 

(a) The Guardian would lionise the vexatious plaintiffs as ‘whistleblowers’ (faux victimhood being a house style)

(b) Labour would pretend to ‘apologise’ to the (equally reluctant) right wing plaintiffs. They had brought the case to damage Corbyn’s left wing Labour – not Starmer’s right wing makeover. By dropping the legal action, all involved in the antisemitism smears could avoid some very awkward public scrutiny. The ‘apology’ gambit neatly reinforced the antisemitism smears and casts the plotters as heroes! Trebles all round!

Now that Corbyn’s political assassination is complete and Starmer (replete with tory values and power stance) has his feet safely under the table – I predict we will hear nothing further about antisemitism in the Labour movement from The Guardian or the Israeli lobby. 

The fiction has served its purpose and poof…it will now disappear from the newspaper headlines as abruptly as it appeared.

Since 2013 I have worked between 4-6 hours a day on this Ad-Free site: trying to give a voice to those without the power or agency to speak out for themselves and uncovering truths that well paid journalists in the corporate media dare not utter.

I am a home schooling parent on a low income – paying for the domain, web hosting and security entirely out of my own pocket.  

If you found this article useful and could spare us a few shillings to help keep our lights on, it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.     

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