September 21, 2024

You are being lied to about Ukraine on an industrial scale


You have been, are being and will continue to be lied to on an industrial scale about Ukraine. Russia has had set backs, but is winning steadily and a collapse of the western media’s fantasies about a military victory is imminent.

We have been here before. The régime change aspirations of the U.S. were defeated in Venezuela and democracy prevailed. All the carpet bombing propaganda in the world cannot conceal their senseless defeats in Afghanistan and Syria and their direct moral culpability for Yemen and Palestine.

With each new chapter of the eternal war, the U.S. and its ‘partners’ lurch from one disastrous and immoral folly to the next. The spectre of a humanitarian disaster that will reach far beyond Ukraine’s borders is already unfolding. Millions are at risk of starvation as one of the bread baskets of the world is plunged into chaos. 

Despite the western news factories straining every sinew to characterise NATO’s provocations in Ukraine as some twisted defence of democracy, its getting harder for any sane observer to listen to the hard right ultra nationalists that surround Zelenskiy in Ukraine and those that push his buttons in Washington, as anything other than dangerously deranged.

All the corporate media spin in the world cannot disguise that Zelenskiy is throwing away the lives of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers for nothing.

More than 15,000 are now surrounded near Lysychansk, acceptable tactical losses for The Pentagon, but perhaps not for Ukranian  military commanders poised to turn against Zelenskiy and the bidding of NATO (this is a very real prospect).

In lock step with the delusions of the western media, Zelenskiy still rambles nightly about ‘counter attacks’ and driving the ‘occupiers’ back to the Russian border, his ludicrous negotiating position is that the Russians must turn tail and abandon their conquered territory in the Donbas and Crimea before he will talk peace.

With a comedians grasp of the ‘game changing’ weapons deliveries that never seem to arrive, he fails to realise that what Russia now has it will hold forever and with each passing day it will hold more. For all of the headline chatter about military aid , the Ukraine is not even replacing its equipment losses never mind its bleeding manpower.

As I type the Russian army is moving into Sievierodonetsk with the Ukrainians fortifying Dnipro which is a 100km to the west. The Russians have now annexed a territory bigger than England in 12 weeks – a feat characterised by the Western media as a failure. The Russians are unlikely to see it that way and why should they, indeed while Europe is still buying their gas at war inflated prices what do they have to lose by grinding methodically on towards Dnipro, Odessa and Kharkiv?

As the initial war euphoria slowly turns into military defeat and food and fuel shortages – the West’s grip on the political situation in Ukraine will surely start to slip away.

There were many in Ukraine before the war who were well aware of the corruption of Zelenskiy’s government and who blame him now for the catastrophe that has engulfed their nation. In order to save any semblance of Ukrainian statehood a deal will eventually have to be cut with Russia – the black sea ports and the eastern cities will have to be given up if Kyiv and the rest of Ukraine is to survive. Some in Ukraine will see these realities, even if they are hidden from western audiences. 

Various U.S. based think tanks are already trying to reposition Russia’s military advances as a genocide – hoping to bolster public opinion for a long drawn out blood bath, with chilling echoes of the lies told about chemical weapons attacks in Syria and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. 

Driving up global oil and gas prices with sanctions was never going to hurt Russia, it has found happy buyers for its fossil fuels in China, India, Sri Lanka and Serbia. Russian Gas still flows along pipelines to northern Europe – its just they extract less but get paid more. 

Whatever the US and NATO get up to, one should never expect it to make any real sense, yes of course those reliable war propagandists at The Guardian etc will spin it endlessly – but in the end the Ukraine will join the long list of superpower follies and moral outrages.

Massive loss of life, shattered infrastructure and bonanzas for arm dealers is what always follows NATO’s meddling. While we ought to be 100% focused on climate change, we instead pour ungodly billions into death and destruction – the Ukraine being but the latest sacrifice zone for dreams of imperial empire.

A peace deal will be struck in Ukraine in the end and when it is, the nation will gain nothing from its fighting but a devastated country and a lost generation of betrayed soldiers. Churchillian rhetoric is a hollow comfort for lost loved ones.

Ukraine could have surrendered on day one but instead is paying a most savage price in dead bodies for western patronage. Some will want to tub thump to the bitterest of endings but I pray that the inevitable end comes soon and not in however many blood filled years.

I am no supporter of Putin, I have no love for the Mafioso of East or West. Those like me who value human life and peace over jingoism and militaristic nationalism should keep asking what the plan is for peace in Ukraine.

There will be a peace settlement in the end – all that remains to be decided between now and then, is what cost Ukraine will pay in blood for buying into the lies and empty promises of the West.

How galling it must be for Ukrainians to bravely fight against an invasion paid for week-on-week by their supposed allies.

With friends like NATO…

Since 2013 I have worked on this Ad-Free site: trying to give a voice to those without the power or agency to speak out for themselves and speaking simple truths that well paid journalists in the corporate media dare not utter.

I am a home schooling parent on a low income – paying for the domain, web hosting and security entirely out of my own pocket.  

If you find this website useful and could spare us a few shillings to help keep our lights on, it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.     

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