September 21, 2024

Retired British Military Chief Lord Dannatt inadvertently reveals truth about Ukraine on Sky News


We are used to seeing Boris Johnson ‘inadvertently mislead the house’ (lie through his teeth) in the House of Commons – but how about when a pillar of the British establishment inadvertently tells the truth on Sky News? This is what happened yesterday.    

I was startled to hear that the retired British Chief of the General Staff Lord Dannatt had said that the fall of the Donbass in Ukraine would prompt ‘meaningful negotiations’ between Ukraine and Russia. A British voice mentioning negotiations?! I made haste to his interview on Sky News.

Things on Sky News are frightfully stage managed but things can occasionally go awry. Some guests have their own agenda, if the anchors are too stupid to notice the import of what is being said…some revealing information can be shared.

Lord Dannatt had an agenda – he wanted to protest against the scaled reductions in the British Army. While doing so spoke truth to power about Ukraine. 

He said:

(a) Having secured the Luhansk region of Ukraine the Russian’s would now try to secure the Donetsk region and that ‘they will probably achieve that’

(b) ‘at that point – that is where meaningful negotiations will have to start’

Sophy Ridge looked bored, any spark of curiosity long gone from her eyes. She is well schooled that Ukrainians are an extension of Western desires and so asked whether the West should accept Russian control over occupied territories? What should the West do next? But Lord Dannatt having either lost his crib sheet or feeling reluctant to follow it – rightly slapped that down saying with sotto voce scorn :

  • ‘its interesting you put the question that way’ [haha!]WE shouldn’t do anything in terms of deciding what is going to happen, this has got to be the Ukrainians deciding what is going to happen’ [fancy that! not a popular idea in Washington or London methinks.]

Naturally his Lordship said that we should ‘support Ukraine unequivocally’ [Wonderful word ‘support’ it sounds virtuous but commits nobody to anything specific] by pouring in weapons and ammunition. But then he went and blew the whistle on the whole scam:

  • “once Russia secures Luhansk and Donetsk completely and they have that land corridor from Crimea, the world may tell Russia to go but the Russian’s will not go and nobody can make them go”

but hang on – aren’t we constantly being told that ‘game changing’ weapons are on the way and how badly things are going for the Russian armed forces? 

  • the Russians won’t go voluntarily, the Ukrainians will not be strong enough to throw them out and of course The West / NATO has not got no intention of mounting a Kuwait type expulsion operation such as we did to get rid of Saddam Hussein’s forces from Kuwait – that is just not going to happen’

so three propaganda myths dismissed in one terse paragraph!

The Russian’s are going to take all that they said they wanted to, they aren’t going to give it back, Ukraine can’t take it back and NATO isn’t coming. 

For Lord Dannat this somehow doesn’t represent a defeat for Ukraine (it sure looks like one to me) – but had more explosive things to say:

  • ‘So the new reality is that the sovereign territory of Ukraine is probably going to be occupied to about 20% by Russian troops and that’s the accommodation that the Ukrainians have got to get their head around’      

So much for it being for the Ukrainians to decide aye readers? Sophy Ridge then correctly surmised that since the option to remove Russia from the Donbass doesn’t really exist, that an ongoing occupation of the Donbass and endless low level conflict on the edges of that occupation looks likely.

His Lordship sadly agreed and then went on the leverage that truth to argue for more military forces – now – everywhere – to deal with the Putin menace, conveniently not processing how NATO expansion had created the very problem that more NATO troops were now supposed to solve.

After months of tragic bloody conflict the truth is starting to leak out – the West has led Ukraine up the garden path and embroiled it another American led neocon disaster  – all their bluster about sanctions and weapons revealed as incoherent wishful thinking at best – and deeply cynical exploitation at worst.

Countless brave Ukrainian soldiers have thrown their lives away for nothing – families across the nation are mourning lost loved ones.

Not one more Ukrainian life should be sacrificed at the altar of NATO’s lies and Western patronage. Zelensky needs to show a different kind of courage – the courage to admit mistakes, to admit defeat…

…and to prioritise saving Ukrainian lives over saving Western face.

Since 2013 I have worked on this Ad-Free site: trying to give a voice to those without the power or agency to speak out for themselves and speaking simple truths that well paid journalists in the corporate media dare not utter.

I am a home schooling parent on a low income – paying for the domain, web hosting and security entirely out of my own pocket.  

If you find this website useful and could spare us a few shillings to help keep our lights on, it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.     

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