September 21, 2024

Peace and truth have become morally unacceptable – just as Orwell predicted


War is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Strength

Want to know where Big Brother is these days?  Look at The Guardian or any of the homogenously synchronized corporate news outlets.

It has now become morally unacceptable to call for peace in Ukraine. Chauvinism directed towards any nation obstructing the imperialist ambitions of Western elites is not just OK now – it is mandatory.

Chauvinism is but one trait now demanded of news factory ‘consumers’. A willful lack of intellectual integrity is also compulsory. If you don’t correctly signal your stupidity, you will be ostracised as a meddling extremist. Such is the price for retaining your basic humanity in 2022.

The level of disinformation inside the propaganda bubble is crazy making – many (most?) believe they are free, propaganda being something that only happens in ‘enemy’ states.

Even listing the untruths would be a full time job for Asimov’s Foundation on Terminus – an Encyclopedia Galactica of Lies. But a few represent the new baseline for propagandists.

Recent lowlights include:

Amnesty International being shouted down for letting the world know that Ukraine was hiding artillery and tanks near residential districts, schools and hospitals so inviting return fire – a war crime . The Ukrainian’s called it ‘perverse’ to reveal that – a description that Orwell would have been proud of.

As Zelenksy pointlessly hurled brave Ukranian lives into the doomed defence of Luhansk – where was he? Posing for the cover of Vogue. His wife is being styled as the new Michele Obama. Those burying love ones or lying mangled in hospital must be so pleased at how well the war is going for the Zelenskys.

A CBS documentary showing that only 30% of the military aid sent to Ukraine ever reached the front lines was hastily deleted on Kyiv’s insistence . A rare moment of actual journalism squashed. You can watch the buried documentary here

The usual suspects have tried to imply via smear and innuendo that Russia is somehow responsible for the shelling of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, muttering darkly about Russian operations near the plant, or shelling  from the plant (not at all the same thing as hurling shells at the plant). 

Russia allowed IAEA inspectors to visit. The Ukrainians took that opportunity to launch two military assaults. The attacks failed but provided ample evidence as to why the Russian’s were reluctant to trust in a demilitarized zone around the plant.

The attacks were buried by the western media –  the IAEA report was also missing. The Ukrainians then attacked the IAEA for being ‘manipulated and misled’ into confirming what any half-wit already knew – that it was Ukrainian shelling that was risking a nuclear disaster. Ukraine is just as reckless and vicious as Russia in this war – but most aren’t allowed to see that.

Desperate to turn the Russian occupation of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant into a propaganda coup for Ukraine and their US backers – the corporate media has gotten into a truly farcical tangle of lies that should shame all involved (but won’t).

Ukrainian estimates of Russian losses are relayed with microscopic delight, every Ukrainian military gambit (including the current Kherson ‘counter-offensive’) praised as ‘heroic’ and ‘inspired’.

But the Kherson counter-offensive has been another fiasco. An expeditionary force is encircled on the Ingulets River and a bloodbath looks all too likely. The horrific rate of Ukrainian injuries and deaths is being hidden from western audiences because it doesn’t suit the preferred narrative.

Winter in Ukraine will  leave many shivering without electricity or gas, the Ukrainian economy is on life support and the US won’t keep writing blank cheques to Kyiv forever. Once Ukraine’s usefulness to Washington expires – this sacrifice zone will be abandoned just like Afghanistan.

As countless families bury their loved ones and survey the wreckage, surely some in Ukraine rue the day they embraced ultra-nationalism and decided to fight a pointless proxy war for the West?

There will be have to be rapprochement with Russia in the end – Russia and Ukraine will always be trading partners and Russian military might cannot be wished away. Such common sense does exist in Ukraine – but dare not be spoken or reported. Freedom is Slavery in the great battle for ‘freedom’.

This touching Australian mural depicting a Russian and Ukrainian solider embracing will be painted over after being deemed ‘morally unacceptable’. This small deviation from hatred was called ‘utterly offensive’. This was international news and the artist was made an example of. All peace artwork has to be stamped on in the lands of the free.

With Russian peace activists being arrested and western peace activists smeared as traitors and apologists for evil – it has rarely been harder to make the case for peace and reconciliation – but Russians and Westerners alike must continue to do so.  

The year is 2022 but is as 1984 as Orwell ever feared…

Since 2013 I have worked on this Ad-Free site: trying to give a voice to those without the power or agency to speak out for themselves and speaking simple truths that well paid journalists in the corporate media dare not utter.

I am a home schooling parent on a low income – paying for the domain, web hosting and security entirely out of my own pocket.  

If you find this website useful and could spare us a few shillings to help keep our lights on, it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.     

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