September 21, 2024

Daily Ukraine Update 25-03-2023

We discuss the latest situation on the frontlines in Ukraine – decoding -the propaganda of the corporate media as we go. We look at the updated maps of the war, the situation in Bakhmut, the media lies about the shelling of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, violent conscription / kidnappings in Ukraine and the start of what may be pivotal phase in this horrible war.

Since 2013 I have worked on this Ad-Free site: trying to give a voice to those without the power or agency to speak out for themselves and speaking simple truths that well paid journalists in the corporate media dare not utter.

I am a home schooling parent on a low income – paying for the domain, web hosting and security entirely out of my own pocket.  

If you find this website useful and could spare us a few shillings to help keep our lights on, it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.