December 3, 2024

Vulture capital circles over the corpse of Ukraine…

James Cleverley is today hosting another Ukraine Recovery Conference. This is partly a PR stunt to reassure western audiences that there will be a Ukraine left to recover after the war (or indeed any world left to recover as NATO seems hell bent on provoking World War 3).

I think it is genuinely a reflection of other things also:

(a) That western government apparatchiks and media courtiers (in Washington and London especially) are so hooked into the matrix, so sold out to their own propaganda that they genuinely cannot even imagine a scenario in which Russia eventually prevails militarily in Ukraine. ( I can).

This is why the capture of a farmyard in Southern Ukraine at the cost of savage losses in soldiers and equipment, has to be heralded as the start of Ukraine’s victory roll to Crimea. Nothing could be further from the truth, but high on their own war dope they lack the mental software to process anything else.

They dream up the only permissible outcome that gives the west everything it wants and just wait for reality to align with it. This is what happens when all critical thinkers are smeared and side-lined as Putin apologists – the capacity for rationality itself is lost, an ironically Stalinist trait of symbolism over truth that citizens of Soviet Russia would recognise all too well.

(b) The usual suspects are getting ready to take full advantage of Ukraine’s new status as a failed state to loot their natural resources and foist egregious loans on to the shoulders of ordinary Ukrainians for centuries to come.

So London is helpfully facilitating loans from the World Bank (the IMF will soon follow like cancer after cigarettes) and the EU has set up a €54 billion ‘fund’ and God only knows what strings will come attached to THAT.

The EU are already muttering about ‘reconfiguring’ the Ukrainian judiciary to something more to their liking, which will mean stopping corrupt Ukrainian politicians from making off with large chunks of the money and preventing public scrutiny of what the EU are up to.

Cleverly (who isn’t the sharpest knife in the draw) let the cat out of the bag when he said that the conference was about “unlocking Ukraine’s potential” (hmmm no doubt!) and ” unlocking a private sector led recovery”…

A “private sector led recovery” can only mean essentially loans from private banks who will then dictate what the money is to be spent on and which western corporates it boomerangs back to.

When Tories gather financiers and western multinationals in a room with shark smiles to chatter happily over the chink-chink of champagne flutes about “unlocking the potential” of your nation with loans…. it isn’t going to end well for you.

This was always the planned end game for Ukraine – they are just pushing ahead with it now because they just can’t perceive a world in which the game won’t end in their favour

– this being exactly kind of deluded macho toxic ‘positivity’ that gains you at least entry level membership of the ‘big club’. Full members know its all bullshit but entry level members have to headfuck themselves into ACTUALLY believing in it to get the right side of the velvet rope (see people like Tony Blair and Gordon Brown for details…)

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