May 18, 2024

Beware the Blairite 2nd Referendum trap

When the opinionators of The Guardian unite with the Blairite rump in the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP) to give Jeremy Corbyn advice you know its poison, since they fear and despise him in equal measure.

Faithful Blairite water carrier and Guardian political weather vane  Polly Toynbee is a good indicator – wherever the Blairite winds are blowing she will follow.

In July 2017 she wrote in the Irish Times that a “Second referendum would be a disaster”  but on Tuesday she was merrily reassuring everybody that those northern Brexiteers could be safely ignored as she campaigned for… a second referendum. 

When Toynbee and The Guardian’s other factory hens are squawking for a second referendum alongside Tom Watson and Owen Smith you know they are up to something.

Let us not forget how supportive Toynbee was of Corbyn at the last election as she joined the media crowd to accuse him of being ‘shockingly inept’ and of rushing to embrace Labour’s annihilation’

She couldn’t attack Corbyn after the election result (Labour’s best for 40 years) so she has embraced the new tactic – pressure Corbyn into embracing a second referendum – after she herself said it was a disastrous idea just two years ago. Toynbee is a reliably malleable spiv for the Blairites – they hum it – she sings it.   

Blairite MP’s and their media cheerleaders like Toynbee would much rather lose the next general election than see Corbyn win it. They are desperate to discredit the Corbyn project and a second referendum is their Trojan Horse. 

(oh and let us drop all this grotesque spin about it being a ‘people’s vote’ and a ‘confirmatory vote’ – only the Blairite spadocracy could come up with that and expect anyone to believe it – it’s a second referendum designed to overturn the result of the first) 

Don’t be fooled for a millisecond that the likes of Margaret Beckett or Stephen Kinnock give two hoots for a Labour government – any more than Chuka Umuna, Chris Leslie, Luciana Berger or Angela Smith did before they left to chase corporate sponsorship in Change UK. 

The Blairite plan is simple – embrace a second referendum, lose the next election, discredit the Corbyn project and thus strangle all attempts to democratise the Labour movement once and for all. 

Those who dispute this should look VERY CAREFULLY at today’s local election results – where Labour has gone backwards since moving towards a second referendum. Labour’s vote share in key northern marginals has plunged disastrously – in the North East it fell 12%.  

While its true that a majority of Labour voters backed Remain, Corbyn will need the support of Leave voters in key marginals in the Midlands and the North to become PM. Having more Remain voters in London won’t change the parliamentary arithmetic – but losing leave voters to protest votes in Stoke, Swindon and Hartlepool most definitely will.

Of course studies have appeared from helpful think tanks to support the idea that a second referendum is a whizzy idea for Labour – but you can make studies say anything with enough money.

The second referendum idea is a Blairite trap designed to destroy the Corbyn project – whatever your feelings about Brexit – without a Corbyn Labour government we are all screwed.

Labour needs to accept a Brexit deal with Theresa May (and Lord knows we understand how much that hurts) and fight the next election on the real issues of poverty, injustice and climate change,

The pro-Brexit constituency holds the balance of power right now and that cannot be wished away, if Labour is to win the next election they have to get Brexit done. 

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