September 21, 2024

Carrying on shopping while bombs are dropping


What Israel is doing in Gaza is Nazism in service of a new Holocaust. They rape and torture hostages, they murder scores of innocent men, women and children every day, they are deliberately starving an entire city and are engaged in ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Israel mass murders Palestinians with a complete disregard for their humanity, they mass murder children as though they were an infestation of rats, they wipe out entire families simply because they are Palestinian, they are destroying Gaza because it is their expressly stated intention to eradicate all inside.

Israel bombs schools, hospitals, mosques, shelters, ambulances, refugee camps, and civilian infrastructure. Children are being shredded with shrapnel and shot in the head and chest by sniper rifles.

During the weekly protest I attend in Ennis town centre we chanted this:

“While you are shopping, bombs are dropping” and this is the reality.

The Israelis that have revived the horrors of Nazism for a new generation are monsters. The people that cheerlead and enable them in Israel are monsters. The people that hide and tastefully reframe these Nazi atrocities in the western media are monsters. The captured western politicians that enable and protect Israel from accountability are monsters. The people who carry on shopping while an entire race is being massacred are monsters.

There can be no excuses, no hiding place. While the western media has done its best to hide the truth of Gaza from western eyes, only a wilful choice now prevents people from seeing that truth.

All things end and soon the gargantuan task will begin to clear the 40 million tons of rubble caused by the 70,000 tons of bombs dropped on Gaza (more than the WW2 bombings in Dresden, Hamburg, and London combined). Hundreds of thousands of dead bodies will soon be recovered.

When the dust finally settles there will be a moment when people will be divided between those who opposed the Israeli holocaust of 2023/4 and those who enabled and ignored it. History will show that affluenza turned tens of millions of people into Israel’s accomplices , moral zombies of complicity, complacency and indifference.

It is not my place to judge anyone and I have no idea whether there is a place after death where our moral accounts are settled; but I do truthfully think that those who continued shopping while bombs were dropping had better hope there is no fabric of justice in this universe, because if there is, a bitter reckoning surely awaits.