September 21, 2024

Chaos and death without end. Does the West even have a plan in Ukraine?


What is the West’s cunning plan in Ukraine exactly? I cannot discern what the strategy has ever been.

The propaganda, troll farms and disinformation systems are working smoothly enough and on an unprecedented scale. That I understand.

But what on earth is the economic and military strategy? Every day brings questions with no answers.

Why is The West allowing Russia to take so much territory in Ukraine? If NATO is not going to intervene then what? Send weapons so that Ukraine can lose a bit more slowly? The Russian’s appear to be in no rush and a Ukrainian defeat in 2024 will look much the same as in 2023.

We hear a lot of rhetoric about NATO ‘staying the course’ and ‘standing with Ukraine for as long as it takes’ – but hollow pledges will not return any of the captured cities nor prevent further losses.

The PR spin is that ‘Ukraine must have the weapons they need to prevail’ but this is absurd on many levels. Yes they need weapons – but really needs trained gunners, ammunition to match Russian logistics and entire battalions to replace losses.

A dribble of systems that the Ukrainians aren’t trained in is no good and won’t even stem the current rate of loss. Much of the Ukrainian artillery relies on Soviet era shells that Ukraine cannot re-supply. Wasn’t this easily foreseeable? How does The West plan to address this mismatch between equipment and available stockpiles of ammunition?

It is much harder to take fortified positions than to defend them. Zelensky insists that all lost territory will be regained – but how? By sending an army scattered hither and tither in Donbass some extra howitzers? That will not be enough for a stalemate never mind a restoration.

If NATO is staying at home in fear of a nuclear conflict – then what victory conditions exist? If Ukraine were close to miraculously ‘prevailing’ and humiliating Russia – is that not equally dangerous since Russia will blame NATO anyway?

If NATO is truly staying out of it then what is the point of pitching one isolated nation into combat with a modern military superpower? Does NATO somehow imagine it can hide an intervention in Ukraine? If NATO is going to intervene regardless of risk then what are they waiting for?

The Russian’s feel they cannot back down in Ukraine – so what is the plan when they don’t? Does the West even have the military / industrial capability to fight a long conventional war of attrition? Much doubt exists about this.

As Europe is starved of Russian Gas – what is the plan? Risk a catastrophic recession? How will swaying piles of sovereign debt in nations like Italy, Ireland and Portugal fare if that happens?

and what is the plan for sanctions anyway? They clearly aren’t working, but after all the chauvinistic rhetoric…can the West now walk away from them? What is the West’s exit strategy?

After twenty years of failure – the U.S. scuttled home from Afghanistan – but Western arms dealers have a new market now with repeat business in Ukraine.

It has to be said that Western ‘interventions’ never inspire confidence.

What was the benefit of supporting Saudi Arabia in Yemen? An endless war that has left the nation in ruins but the identified adversary undefeated. Or Syria? An endless war that has left the nation in ruins but the identified adversary undefeated. Or Afghanistan? – a twenty year war that left the nation in ruins and the identified adversary back in power. Or Libya? A shattered portal for a European trafficking and migration crisis. Or Israel? An endless war which has left Palestine in ruins and under the heel of a racist terror state…

…and now Ukraine which is looking ever so like an endless war that will leave the nation in ruins but the identified adversary undefeated (with the added bonus of pan-European economic ruin).

Odd how being friends with the USA always seem to be to the ruinous detriment of everyone except American corporations. The only consistent outcome being to drive arms sales.

I don’t think the West has a plan for Ukraine that will deliver anything but endless war, economic pain for the most vulnerable across Europe and increased arms spending. But I can’t be right can I?

This is all a morality play – right? Good vs evil?  I heard a politician ranting about it on Sky News and there are lots of Churchillian opinion pieces about in The Guardian…

Pulpit preaching from the usual powerful and wealthy suspects who (as ever) conduct their sermons well away from the fighting.

What cold comfort for those cowering in bomb shelters in Donbas, for the brave soldiers of Ukraine, for distraught families waiting for news, for refugees who want to go home in peace and for those already burying sons, daughters, fathers, mothers… and children.

Do the spivs and spooks in Washington and London have a plan to make all their suffering and sacrifice worthwhile? I doubt it – their only priority will be what works well for the elites of Washington and London.

Twas ever thus…

Since 2013 I have worked on this Ad-Free site: trying to give a voice to those without the power or agency to speak out for themselves and speaking simple truths that well paid journalists in the corporate media dare not utter.

I am a home schooling parent on a low income – paying for the domain, web hosting and security entirely out of my own pocket.  

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Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.     

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