September 21, 2024

Dump The Guardian. Its right wing, hypocritical and racist.


The World is mourning the death of Archbishop Desmond Tutu – a patriot without equal  says The Guardian, as it leads tributes to this hero of the anti-apartheid left.

The Guardian doesn’t give a damn about the loss of Tutu, in fact his death partly ‘resolves’ their institutionally racist hypocrisy – they venerate the victory over South African apartheid… while seeking to destroy and humiliate opponents of Israeli apartheid.

How The Guardian handles Israeli apartheid is a key part of understanding just what a right wing toilet rag it truly is. To work for them, one has to faithfully relay pro-Israeli propaganda and attack opponents of Israeli apartheid as racist.

Remember back in 2014 when Israel knowingly shelled a school in Gaza, killing sleeping schoolchildren in a designated shelter? Hard to spin that in a pro-Israeli way but the Israeli need to so was urgent and so The Guardian did its best.

The art of newspaper propaganda is in headlines, the order of text and the selective choice of who you quote – they adopted a circumspect headline that avoided any direct description of the act itself or any criticism of it, pivoting their release around a quote from the UN that spoke of ‘universal shame’ – not Israeli shame you understand about a grotesque atrocity, but the shame of us all – clever that! The piece kindly gave unchallenged last words to the Israeli defence force and unnamed sources from within the United States government. The Guardian piece smudged the attack all over with vague references to Hamas and US denials. One is left with the impression that a lot of people were yelling stuff and that it was a sad accident of war – when it was nothing of the kind.

These articles set the tone for The Guardian’s coverage of Israeli war crimes. Peaceful and unarmed Palestinian protestors repeatedly shot dead by cowardly Israeli sniper fire were not murdered by racist gunmen after all – but ‘involved’ in ‘clashes’ with the Israeli ‘Defence’ force. To be Palestinian was enough for Israel to be afforded carte blanche to be judge, jury and executioner – nothing to see here, move along.

As The Guardian adopts its hushed royal tones for Desmond Tutu, let us not forget that they worked tirelessly to bring down another life long campaigner against racism and apartheid – Jeremy Corbyn. His ‘crime’ was to be a champion of Palestinian rights and thus enemy #1 of the Israeli government.

You see this is what a campaigner against racism looks like – defending the right to criticise apartheid that The Guardian strains every sinew trying to take away. 

The Guardian has silenced and dispatched all internal criticism of Israel. Has similarly gagged its readership (making the simple factual statement that Israel is an apartheid state on their website will result in a swiftly banned account). They reposition all criticism of Israel as racism, promote definitions of anti-Semitism that preclude criticism of Israel, support critics of the BDS movement and quietly ignore the every day illegality and brutality of the Israeli occupation.

It makes my stomach churn to watch them laud Desmond Tutu but there is a purpose to it – it buffs their anti-racist credentials to the congregations of blind fools who actually send donations. The perception of The Guardian as some kind of arbiter of liberal truth is vitally important to them – it is actually the only product they have to sell – which is why it must be stripped from them.

Tell your neighbours, tell your friends – The Guardian has no more interest in combatting racism than I have in washing Boris Johnson’s underpants. They are part and parcel of the establishment – the gate keepers of what notionally left wing people are now allowed to say. They are faithful water carriers of Israeli apartheid and as such have proved time and again that poor Palestinian lives don’t matter as much as rich Israeli lives – in a world where truth and words still matter we call that racism. 

[and don’t get me started on how The Guardian et al has softly rolled along with the gradual downgrading of families displaced by (mostly western created) wars from human beings > to Asylum seekers > to migrants and now finally > to weapons of intimidation sent by Belarus against the allegedly embattled  government of Poland]

Dump The Guardian in the same place you dumped your membership of Keir Starmer’s new pink tinted tory revivalist tent.

It will be better for everyone when you do.  

Since 2013 I have worked on this Ad-Free site: trying to give a voice to those without the power or agency to speak out for themselves and speaking simple truths that well paid journalists in the corporate media dare not utter.

I am a home schooling parent on a low income – paying for the domain, web hosting and security entirely out of my own pocket.  

If you find this website useful and could spare us a few shillings to help keep our lights on, it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.     

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