September 21, 2024

How many more must die of Tory arrogance?


Tory exceptionalism: the belief that economic and scientific realities don’t apply to them nor to London and the home counties (calling it British exceptionalism insults the UK’s altogether more grounded citizens)

Many Tories inhabit a make-believe country permanently bedecked in red-white-and-blue. In the Cotswold villages of their dreams, grateful white faces have a street party that never ends. If you wondered why we splashed £900k painting Boris Johnson’s plane in union livery

Tories theorise that meddling Eurocrats and political correctness hold Britain back. Just as Trump turned the USA into a global laughing stock – so the UK is now a sacrifice zone for Tory daydreams. Boris would ‘Get Brexit Done’ and Covid-19 would crumble before our Churchillian snarls. Soon all would see that C-19 was no match for a Tory government and cool British pluck. 

Thus Feb/Mar slipped by and UK preparations for C-19 were deemed perfect simply by virtue of being British.  

“We are a great country. We have a fantastic NHS. We have fantastic doctors. People have every reason to be confident and calm,”

Johnson shoved off on holiday  – advisors explained that Britain would go it alone, embrace herd immunity and  ‘take it on the chin’

But what actually happened when Tory hubris collided with C-19?

Well…the virus ran amok. Press briefings offered dog-ate-my-homework excuses about how pandemics were a frightfully complicated business that the government couldn’t possibly have prepared for.

  • Families lost their loved ones and couldn’t even go to the funeral.
  • Elderly patients with C-19 were discharged into death trap care homes to avoid the optics of an overwhelmed NHS
  • Testing systems were a disaster.
  • NHS staff and care workers lost their lives because of a lack of PPE.

The highest excess death rate in the world and the worst economic recession of any developed nation. Finally the Tories are ‘world beating’ at two things – death and self inflicted economic ruin.

Would this tragic humiliation engender a dash of humility into Tory exceptionalism? Not a bit of it. 

Matt Hancock bragged about the ‘ring of steel’ that the Tories had thrown around care homes – despite 20,000 dying inside them. Figures for C-19 tests were fiddled and then abruptly withdrawn. Boris Johnson shared his pride in how marvelously everything had gone

Now as the rate of infections slows –  our very own Mr Fun can’t wait to get everybody back to work and down the pub. Boris Johnson’s psychopathic capacity to float free of moral and material truth is his trademark appeal.

Super Saturday is on the way and 10.5 million motorists are set to book out the hotels of England and cram the beaches (again). 

England is relaxing restrictions quicker than any other nation and without the vital test, trace and isolation system. Two metre rule? Pfff! England has his its own imperial measurement of ‘one metre plus’.

Tory England has learnt absolutely nothing. How many more have to die from their grotesque exceptionalism?

A Union Jack and a blue passport offer no protection against a pandemic. Scientific reality still applies. 

The critical divide in contemporary Britain isn’t racial, economic or religious – it’s between realists and fantasists. I suspect the fantasists will hold sway for the time being and so a No Deal Brexit and a second C-19 spike loom. 

Britain deserves so much better than another twirl around Boris Johnson’s magic roundabout of death. 

…yes, they should play that tune at all the forthcoming funerals – if we are allowed to attend them.

Since 2013 I have worked between 4-6 hours a day on this Ad-Free site: trying to give a voice to those without the power or agency to speak out for themselves and uncovering truths that well paid journalists in the corporate media dare not utter.

I am a home schooling parent on a low income – paying for the domain, web hosting and security entirely out of my own pocket.  

If you found this article useful and could spare us a few shillings to help keep our lights on, it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.     

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