September 21, 2024

Labour’s real nowhere man, delivers them to nowhere land for nobody


So Starmer’s corporate shills got routed at the ballot box. Forgive us if we don’t weep.

The Labour Party 2021 – a vehicle for the delusional careerist arcs of wannabe Tony Blair’s, a shambolic electoral bus that never arrives anywhere, a squad of shifty delivery drivers that beseeches you to sign for a dozen empty boxes or they won’t get their bonus. 

For Starmer’s crew, the people that really matter are the corporate media and lobbyists. The ongoing ‘communication challenge’ for the saboteurs of the Corbyn project was to reverse virtue-signal to Israel and the usual suspects that Labour now stood for nothing, – while simultaneously selling  ‘nothing’ to a doubtful nation. The usual suspects are delighted – the nation…less so. 


Since all that Labour’s right wingers really cared about was indulging their visceral hatred of Corbyn – its perhaps not surprising that they imagined this was the nation’s preoccupation also; but to speak to people’s souls you need a solid moral argument, but Labour has only dismal waffle about ‘change’. 

Even the tame establishment hacks at the BBC are well aware that Starmer’s blather about ‘change’ is utterly without content and post Hartlepool debacle pressed him to add something – ANYTHING – that might indicate what his ‘vision of change’ was all about – but Keir is too well schooled to get trapped into saying anything about something – to him ‘change’ must always mean…nothing.

Keir (with a look of pure terror in his eyes) explained that his way forwards for Labour involved “a bold vision for a better Britain – its about changing the things that need changing and that is the change that I will bring about”  – he then recycled this soundbite another four times substituting the words ‘changing’ for ‘fixing’ and then ‘reviewing’. Inspiring stuff aye readers! You can trust a lawyer to be skilled in the art of not getting entrapped by a journalist into saying a single word of any substance – its amazing that dwindling numbers of people want to vote Labour. 

When spambots like Starmer wail about ‘change’ what they are really trying to sell you is ‘nothing’. The word ‘change’ ties you to ‘nothing’, specifies ‘nothing’ and voters can project anything they want on to it. Corbyn had morals, policies (popular policies – fancy that!) and a manifesto. Starmer has drab meaningless soundbites and you know what…people CAN tell the difference. 

Sadly for the next generation of Peter Mandleson robotoids, Starmer is neither clever nor likeable enough to tastefully repackage meaningless promises of ‘change’ like Blair or Obama. This doesn’t stop Starmer mumbling about ‘change’, not least because he is fundamentally useless and has nothing else to say.

We have chronicled in the past exactly how Brexit was being used by Labour’s right wingers to destroy Corbyn – but ironically it’s now destroying them as well. Labour is now irrevocably associated with London, woke and crucially ‘the people’s vote’. Sauce for the Corbyn goose is sauce for the Starmer gander and one can’t help but feel rather pleased to see Labour’s corporate spivs frying in their own baste.

Any glance at an electoral map shows why Bojo was so desperate to associate the Tories with Brexit. Deluded remainers waiting disconsolately for the nation to come to its senses shall now have a decade of stories about Boris Johnson’s gold plated underpants (and his lies about them) to keep them busy on social media.  

Why would ex-Labour Brexiteers return to Labour? It seems that the mauve spadocracy has (yet again) overestimated the appeal of a political ‘choice’ between two Tory parties – one with Red rosettes that pretends to give a shit (albeit with a glazed expression while droning on about ‘change’) and one with Blue rosettes that doesn’t even pretend to care (£800 wallpaper with ‘let the bodies pile high’ printed on it etc).

Offered a choice between the traditional Tory party of jingoism, casual racism and selfishness  (still enduringly popular British values) and Starmer’s fake Tory party that promises ‘change’ (nothing) – why not vote for the real deal? Moreover since the two party system now offers a binary choice about which bunch of amoral chancers to enable – why would principled people mandate either? Welcome to the political landscape that is supposed to  deliver us from climate change.

Oh Starmer truly is the real nowhere man, living in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody. Not that getting rid of him will change anything – there are a thousand replacement ‘change’ agents all too eager to blandly make the case for ‘nothing’.

The only sliver of light I can glean from these post Corbyn wilderness years is that Labour is now so demonstrably irrelevant, so monstrously unholy and dysfunctional that it will die quickly, clearing the way for a genuinely socialist alternative. 

If you are still clinging to the sinking ship in some desolate hope of redemption I implore you to give up – leave Labour today – its an addiction to melancholy and deranged victimhood we can and must give up. 

Since 2013 I have worked on this Ad-Free site: trying to give a voice to those without the power or agency to speak out for themselves and speaking simple truths that well paid journalists in the corporate media dare not utter.

I am a home schooling parent on a low income – paying for the domain, web hosting and security entirely out of my own pocket.  

If you find this website useful and could spare us a few shillings to help keep our lights on, it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.     

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