September 21, 2024

Netanyahu reveals the true face of Western imperialism, to thunderous applause.


Let’s get the obvious out of the way. Netanyahu’s speech to the U.S. congress was packed full of lies and vile racism.

The major lies first:

Now the racism:

Netanyahu offered numerous reheats of an oft asserted lie that paints all Palestinians and Muslims as barbarians and Israel as the courageous defenders of civilisation.

This is a centuries old western trope that plays very well to a certain right-wing mindset prevalent in the Anglosphere and Western Europe. The ‘barbarians’ can be Mexicans, Native Americans, Indians, Iraqis, Iranians, Chinese, Russians, Afghans but essentially are anyone who stops the empire from grabbing the land and resources that it wants.

The deployment of this trope means that an entire race has been marked for casual slaughter and their land and resources forfeited to whoever does the killing.

That an openly genocidal racist like Netanyahu was invited to address the US congress in the first place says a lot, that his lies, blatant racism and exhortations for more genocidal violence received cross party support and 58 standing ovations says more.

Let this appalling spectacle be your guide as to what the West is up to in Gaza, Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela and across the globe. The empire has things that it wants and some people are in the way, so they must be sidelined, killed, imprisoned and silenced. If those people happen to be U.S. college students or protestors against genocide the same rule applies. Tools of empire like Netanyahu get standing ovations and opponents get tear gas and prison.

This is the moral landscape that people like Harris, Macron, Starmer, Von Der Leyen and Scholz accept without blinking – how they self-identify and promote themselves as ‘grown up’ politicians.

When Von Der Leyen says that Ukrainians are willing to die to defend our common values, the grotesque bankruptcy of that lie is writ large in the money, weapons and thunderous applause given to Israel’s crypto-fascist holocaust in Gaza.

This genocide, mostly (and increasingly) ignored by the Western media, but live streamed to a horrified global audience via social media, is the perfect reflection of centuries of Western imperialism. Netanyahu has done us one favour, he has torn the mask off our ‘common values’ forever.

The truth is, empires built atop of mass murder, ethnic cleansing, theft and occupation have no values, the ‘barbarians’ both then and now are the imperialists who do the killing and the media and politicians who cheer them on.

As France offers round the clock protection to Israel’s pampered athletes at the Olympics and no protection at all for the children being brutally traumatised, orphaned, starved, maimed and murdered in Gaza – remember that this is who these elites are – civilisation is outside protesting and the barbarians are inside giving standing ovations to a psychopath.

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