September 21, 2024

Nobody with morals or self-respect should remain in Labour.


Nobody with any with morals, intellect or self respect should now remain in the Labour Party. Throughout Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, the party was constantly sabotaged from within: the plotters praying that electoral defeat would help restore the hegemony of the right wing careerists – and it has. They have won.

Corbyn had the harder job: he was trying to build something positive, something genuinely moral and coherent. All the rats had to do was pull it apart: their job made easy because they infested the party machinery and had the full weight of the media establishment on their side. 

That Labour’s higher echelons were aghast at Corbyn’s socialist principles was an open secret. They attacked their own party via any pretext, colluded openly with the corporate media and smeared and insulted their own membership as thugs and racists.

With Keir Starmer as party leader, the rout of the Labour left is complete: the disgraceful dismissal of Rebecca Long-Bailey greeted with gloating delight by the careerist right. Starmer is now racing to reposition Labour as the other Tory party and doesn’t give two figs for the oft touted ‘unity’ that was the basis of his leadership appeal.

Starmer wants an ugly and public fight with the left to help rebrand Labour as a politically cleansed party of centre-right neoliberalism. Using the pretext of antisemitism or other smears, all dissent will now be silenced.

This new order was explained by Polly Toynbee in The Guardian as she mused that even the memory of the Corbyn era would have to be erased. If any doubt remained, Nia Griffith helpfully explained that any opposition to smearing the left as antisemitic will henceforth be deemed outright racism.

Social media is awash with disillusioned socialists cancelling their Labour membership and pleading with the Socialist group of MP’s to quit the party and start afresh. I echo these sentiments 100%. The Labour Party is beyond redemption; any hope that it might be more than an energy sink has been dashed. It’s time to leave.

Those minded to stay and fight over the carcass of Labour risk becoming part of the problem. By giving money and time to Labour they will aid the appearance of debate where none will actually take place: providing a faux socialist frosting for a new era of Blairism. Worse, they will deprive any new party of its unity and energy.  

Starmer and crew have spent recent days baiting the left and pumping out anti-union press releases. The Guardian which strained every sinew to wreck the Corbyn project now offers daily puff pieces for everything Starmer says and does. 

A movement divided against itself cannot make, much less win, a moral argument. It is time to realise that there will never be any reconciliation between genuine socialism and what corporate spiv Owen Smith called ‘Labourism’. Socialism is based on set principles and values; Labourism is a whore to the lowest common denominator and for sale to the highest bidder. It will be whatever the corporate media says it must be.

The choice for socialist Labour Party members is stark: stay in this abusive relationship and be silent or leave to found a stronger fellowship of shared values. It’s a no-brainer, it’s time to give up on Labour: the tatters of the brand are not worth fighting over.

Be under no illusions, Starmer doesn’t want left wing people in the Labour party anyway. They are a nuisance to him: a constant and embarrassing reminder of his moral vacuity and duplicity. He has calculated that he doesn’t need the membership to gain power – just the media. It won’t be long before Starmer follows Blair and makes the pilgrimage to gain the blessing of Murdoch. I doubt his blessing will be long in coming.

I get tribalism – really I do. But politics is not a football match and a victory for team red under these conditions would be Pyrrhic indeed. There is no reason to think that being the other Tory party will work for the Labour brand – and even if it did, is this what people want to pound rainy pavements to support? 

Go. Leave. Now.

Throw away all your old pictures, delete their number from your phone and move on. Believe me, you will feel much better when you do and it will be better for everyone.

Since 2013 I have worked between 4-6 hours a day on this Ad-Free site: trying to give a voice to those without the power or agency to speak out for themselves and uncovering truths that well paid journalists in the corporate media dare not utter.

I am a home schooling parent on a low income – paying for the domain, web hosting and security entirely out of my own pocket.  

If you found this article useful and could spare us a few shillings to help keep our lights on, it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.     

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