September 21, 2024

Starmer’s hypocrisy on Gaza has fuelled the rise of the far right


What are we to make of Keir Starmer’s speech about the UK’s merry race rioters? He didn’t directly condemn racism of course but bemoaned ‘far right thuggery’. Starmer dripped with his trademark insincerity, deceit and hypocrisy as he empathised with those frightened by the violence and said those responsible would face the full force of the law.

The Prime Minister is in fact very relaxed indeed about ‘far right thuggery’ and only interested in the full force of the law when it suits him.

Let us not forget that this is the man who has:

Keir Starmer has made it crystal clear that he considers socialism and internationalism to be relics of Labour’s past. His base is an electoral sand castle of people wanting a less incompetent Tory party and a mildly less loopy Reform party, so he dare not take any moral stance against racism. This is why his speech was very focused on disorder and thuggery – many Tory voters like law and order speeches, but secretly agree with sticking it to the Muslims.

Starmer is a slippery snake of vacuous political expediency, this is how he can denounce ‘far right thuggery’ in the UK, bewailing broken windows and bin fires in Rotherham while utterly ignoring Israel’s live streamed fascist genocide in Gaza which has murdered over 200,000 people and destroyed an entire city.

Trapped between multiple levels of his own cowardice Starmer is not merely unconcerned about ‘far right thuggery’ and ‘the full force of the law’ – he is directly complicit in enabling and protecting the worst far right atrocity of the century in direct defiance of every applicable international law and court judgement.

Don’t imagine for a millisecond that those hurling bricks at Mosques haven’t been primed by the explicitly racist double standards of the UK’s political and media class.

We have long said that what happens in Palestine will not be confined there and here we are – mobs of Zionist far right thugs running amok in the West Bank and mobs of fascist thugs running amok in every major UK city.

Nobody can say they weren’t warned. History tells us that those who appease and support fascism abroad will soon be under its boot at home and Starmer is EXACTLY the kind of weak, weaselly, morally vacuous careerist to bring that dystopia home.