September 21, 2024

The West is not being ‘timid’ in Ukraine – it is being immoral and reckless


A new part of the pro-war propaganda bombardment from The Guardian pivots around the assertion that The West is ‘timid’ with regards to Ukraine.

Via a curious double-think (a required skill for Guardian hacks) the solution to a war is more war, with more weapons and more nations directly involved.

Simon Tisdall led the Guardian’s daily blessings to war and arms dealers on the 5th June opining that Biden’s timidity ‘condemns Ukrainians to an agonising war without end’

The Guardian itself was timid enough about the 14,000 civilian deaths in the (mostly Russian speaking) Donbass region prior to the invasion and equally timid about the ‘war without end’ in Yemen and Palestine. 

What Simon wants in Ukriane is pretty terrifying, but actually rather typical of The Guardian’s unwavering fetish for western wars and weapons over many years. He had a wish list:

  1. Send “a multinational force to smash” Russian forces essentially blockading Odessa.
  2. Bully Turkey into embracing NATO membership applications from Finland and Sweden.
  3. Supply Ukraine with long range missiles and encourage them to fire on targets deep within Russia. 
  4. Impose a no-fly zone and create ‘safe havens’ within Ukraine (which would mean deploying NATO airpower to shoot down Russian airpower)
  5. Vastly expand the supply of heavy weapons to Ukraine
  6. Break off all contact with Russia
  7. Steal frozen Russian assets worth $300 billion and send them to Ukraine.
  8. Get Biden and the ‘euro muddlers’ to upgrade sanctions and increase the scope of ‘modest war aims’ 

Simon doesn’t seem worried by what he dubs ‘Putin’ nuclear hints’ when he states bluntly that ‘Only increased direct and indirect NATO military pressure can shift this dynamic.’ – military ‘pressure’ being code for a full NATO invasion of Ukraine to drive Russia out. 

Shoot em Simon was back a week later accusing NATO of weakness and division , beating the drum for a NATO led taskforce to ‘put pressure on’ (got to war with) Russia and fretting in chauvinistic terms about ‘a “no limits” totalitarian Sino-Russian global axis’ with echoes of the 1939 Nazi-Soviet pact’.

Tanks a million Tisdall penned another article jam packed with absurd and nasty chauvinism on the 26th June, again demanding that the gunboats be sent to the Black Sea. Simon was not only fed up with NATO but ordinary Russian citizens who ‘occupy a moral vacuum where a respected country used to be’ (presumably not the country that was part of the sinister Sino-Russian axis?). Liz Truss was dubbed ‘hapless’ and Turkey ‘predictably two faced’ as he salivated over U.S. Gray Eagle Strike Drones and demanded ‘Nato and G7 summiteers must sink his blockade and send him [Putin] to the bottom!’ 

How does this guy get published in any vaguely serious outlet? When did The Guardian become The Sun? Will it be The Graun wot won it?

In between Soaraway Simon’s top tubthumping – Jack Watling was demanding to know ‘how much NATO members are prepared to invest in Russia’s defeat?’

Today Chatham House took up the ‘timidity’ angle once again saying that ‘Putin needs a drawn-out war – the west’s timidity gives him one’ – he echoes Tisdall’s demands for ‘war winning’ military hardware including ‘ammunition, drones, jammers, radars, and means of intercepting Russia’s long-range missile strikes’.

Tisdall et al need not have worried – just as many of us had long surmised, NATO has been directing operations all along. This article in The New York Times (clearly published as always with the blessing of the spooks) makes it clear that U.S. intelligence alongside British, French, Canadian and Lithuanian commandos are basically stage managing the whole show in Ukraine and know exactly what is going on.

This flatly contradicts US assertions from just 17 days earlier and carried hilariously in….The New York Times (lol!), stating that the U.S. Lacked a Clear Picture of Ukraine’s War Strategy, – and that US intelligence agencies knew far more about Russia’s military than Ukraine’s.  Odd that, given that they now admit to having ‘a stealthy network of commandos and spies rushing to provide weapons, intelligence and training’.

The West is not being timid in Ukraine – it is in fact continuing a policy of meddling intervention in service of the imperial agenda of the US. This policy has included regime change, support for far-right paramilitaries and now has intelligence and military personnel on the ground. 

Far from being timid The West is being reckless and utterly immoral in Ukraine – risking a direct confrontation with a nuclear superpower and using Ukrainian soldiers as cut price cannon fodder. 

On a positive note at least The Pentagon’s policies are not as insane as The Guardian insists they ought to be – for people who send these right wing lunatics donations…please let that sink in. 

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Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.     

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