September 21, 2024

Ukraine pays the price for the West’s addiction to propaganda over reality


Western elites are obsessed with controlling narratives, but the puppet masters have become so entangled in their craft, that they have come to think that spin can displace reality.

The idea that material truth must conform to officially narratives marks the end stage of imperial hubris.

Bombastic Western propaganda about Ukraine has routinely placed the propagandic cart before the military horse. The sequence of events is supposed to go like this:

(1) Prepare a military strategy based on operational reality.,
(2) Execute that strategy.
(3) Spin the results as best you can.

This isn’t what the West has been doing in Ukraine.

In Ukraine the demands of PR have dictated military tactics so this has been the order of events:

(1) Determine what headlines we need
(2) Declare victory before the operation even starts.
(3) Ignore the situation on the ground as the basis for a plan.
(4) Spin the (oft disastrous) results with all failures buried along with the corpses.

In defiance of all military logic, Western media portals carried news for months of the grand Spring offensive of 2023 that would slice Russian forces into pieces and carry Ukrainian troops triumphantly through Zaporizhzhia towards a victory roll in Crimea. It was an unmitigated disaster. Lacking air support and attacking well fortified Russian positions, the mighty offensive got precisely nowhere. Tens of thousands lost their lives over nothing.

Every few weeks western media portals talk up the arrival of the latest wonder weapon or tactic that is to fundamentally change the war in Ukraine and deliver victory! Sanctions? Didn’t work. Prigozhin’s ‘coup’ attempt? Didn’t work. HIMARS missile systems? Didn’t work. Western tanks? Didn’t work. Patriot air defence systems? Didn’t work. Bradley fighting vehicles? Didn’t work. F-16 fighter jets? Didn’t work. When each wonder tactic fails the media just switches to another.

The latest gambit has been the Ukrainian incursion towards Kursk, another abject fiasco. The spearhead has ground to a halt, Russia correctly surmised that the troops used were pulled from Donbass and launched a full scale assault along the entire eastern line of contact which is now in a state of accelerated collapse.

Ukraine is another sacrifice zone in a long list of Western imperial outrages and disasters that includes Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela, Libya and Palestine to name but a few. But the spin machines will keep turning until the bitterest of ends in Ukraine. Zelensky recently fired most of his cabinet in a temper tantrum about the Kursk disaster, The Guardian hastily branded it a re-shuffle, a reset and a shift of focus.

Ukraine was deemed expendable to NATO expansion plans. An entire generation of young men have been sacrificed to build Zelensky into the poster child of a triumphant Western propaganda and they are still at it.

In an utterly tone deaf article, Lucy Mangun gushed forth about a new propaganda film from the BBC called ‘The Zelensky Story’ in a way that would have made Soviet news agencies cringe with embarrassment.

“The Zelensky Story review – you can feel the humanity radiating from the Ukrainian president….

To watch this documentary about the one-time comedian’s astonishing journey to statesmanship is to feel that you’re witnessing the birth of a hero…

Only film can capture the blank-eyed soullessness of the Russian president and the ineffable sense of wrongness he carries with him – even if you knew nothing of him or his history; only film can capture the warmth, charm and humanity radiating from his Ukrainian counterpart brimful of soul.

By the end of the three episodes, it is hard not to let their intertwined fates take on mythic proportions: good versus evil, darkness versus light, Zelenskiy’s love for his country and his people versus Putin’s hate for anything but power.”

Nobody said that The Guardian were subtle!

Let’s set the record straight about Zelensky. He is a comedy actor grifter, pushed forward by the West as but the latest tiresome reincarnation of their cherished Churchillian mythology.

Zelensky has tossed away the lives of many tens of thousands of brave soldiers in ridiculous military operations without blinking a blue eye, all driven by his need for PR victories to buff his legend and bank account, he has obediently led his country into an abyss of Western imperial hubris and may yet lead us all into WW3.

That the West now elevates Zelensky from military hero to sainthood is predictable enough but don’t underestimate the western capacity for collective amnesia. Defeat is now inevitable for Ukraine and the blame game has already begun. It is as yet unclear who will be blamed but Zelensky will be thrown under the bus just as casually as the rest of Ukraine if the West decides that’s the best propagandic off-ramp.

At each and every turn of this horrifyingly bloody debacle, the West has chosen to believe it could wish its desired outcomes into reality via media headlines, but it is Ukraine not hacks in London or Washington that will continue to pay the price for their magical thinking.

History will either mark Ukraine as the preamble to WW3 or the beginning of the end for the U.S. / NATO empire, collapsed under the weight of its own lies like so many empires before it.

We must not permit the usual suspects to spin this blood spattered shit into gold, imperialism only ever delivers death and destruction, their ain’t nothing saintly or heroic about it for either side.