September 21, 2024

Student punching incident – no action against Police officer: VIDEO

A policeman was caught on film ‘allegedly’ punching protester Tony Jones, 24, smacking him to the ground with a punch in the face.

A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police confirmed that the police officer has not been suspended, and that footage of the alleged assault was being ‘reviewed’ following two complaints.

(The Met had previously stated that there would be no investigation at all until a complaint was made)

Baroness Jones, deputy chairman of the Police and Crime Committee, last night made calls for an urgent inquiry. She said: “The Met shouldn’t wait for a complaint to come in before investigating what appears to be an officer assaulting a student.”

The police had said they were “outnumbered” at the protest, where five protestors were arrested and one charged.

Common assault it seems is now perfectly legal as long as its carried out by a police officer and directed towards that most dangerous of creatures – a student who happens to be near a demonstration. The police justification is sinister and irrelevant.

The Haze believes that any kind of protestor in London would be wise in the current climate to accept the reality, that to the Met they are fair game.

How extraordinary that when presented with clear video evidence of gross misconduct and illegality by an officer – the Met won’t investigate unless someone makes a fuss.