May 18, 2024

Bell tolls for New Labour: Corbyn is a winner

“Never presume to know, therefore, for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee”

The political graveyard where Labour’s loony right and their apologists were planning to bury Jeremy Corbyn now beckons for the Blarite neoliberals instead  – their panic pleases the eye.

A Survation Poll published yesterday shows that Corbyn is a winner with cross party support .


Corbyn opponents have insisted that he is unelectable, a fringe candidate, lacking credibility with the wider electorate.  Oh really?

Yvette Cooper who is the ‘credible’ candidate limps a trifling 16% behind Corbyn as a potential Labour leader – and this despite the extraordinary support she enjoys in the corporate media and the constant high profile smear campaign waged against Corbyn. It is the doom laden warnings of political pundits that lack credibility.


Hang on a minute! Blairite fossils been screaming from the front page of The Guardian that electing Corbyn as Labour leader would mean annihilation for the party. But the truth is he is the leader most likely to invigorate Labour’s flagging fortunes.

So who is worried about oblivion then? A rump of neoliberal loony right MP’s can already see the writing on the wall for their careers and are conspiring to overturn the democratic wishes of their own party members.

Perhaps the prospect of an investigation and criminal trial for war criminal Tony Blair, Alistair Campbell, and Jack Straw also explains why they keep popping up on Sky News the front pages of The Guardian and The Daily Mail and The Independent to denounce Corbyn.

It is nakedly obvious now that they are arguing not for Labour’s future but their own.


Small wonder that corporate media darlings Kendall and Cooper cannot muster Corbyn’s popularity between them as a spokesperson for opposing the Tories – after all, they would do almost exactly the same but frost it with the usual hollow media spin.

Nobody wants to vote for neoliberalism with a patronising smile anymore.


This is so illuminating! Once again, Cooper and Kendall can only match Corbyn’s credibility as a future prime minister by combining their ratings. The Haze is incredulous that anyone would see Andy Burnham as a prime minister but he has a whopping 1% lead over Corbyn who is ahead of him on every other question.

So the results are in – Corbyn is credible, electable, popular and a winner.

Since none of his rivals have managed to inspire anyone with their policies (or really offer any) but have chosen to campaign on the basis of Corbyn’s lack of credibility…

…now it transpires that the lack of credibility with the electorate is their own problem, the game is up for all of them.

Jeremy Corbyn is the only coherent, viable opposition to the Tories – he represents our best chance of a reboot for Britsh democracy which has been a neoliberal closed shop for decades.

For once the politics of principle is the winning team. There remains not a single sane reason not to vote for the person we want and the policies we want.

See also: Follow Sodium Haze on Facebook

See also: Corbyn: Top 10 Media Mind Games