May 4, 2024

European Citizens’ Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income


Some of you may already know about a spirit lifting initiative for an unconditional basic income for all EU citizens.


One can almost hear the neoliberal howls of outrage at this idea.

Deprive corporations of a powerless expendable cheap labour force?? Sounds good to me.

We do believe that progressive people need to be coming up with bold ideas like this and making them stick – after all, which electorate in austerity battered Europe is going to vote against this?

It can be afforded of course – just as easily as easily as wars, nuclear weapons, mass surveillance, corporate tax avoidance, inequality and the super rich can be afforded.

Of course these kind of choices are never presented to the electorate who are fobbed off all over Europe with the Hobson’s choice of neoliberal poison – too many of the current crop of European technocrats are not even elected.

What a wonderful fight back this would be against the bullying smears and attacks against the poor all over Europe.

Make sure you sign up.