September 21, 2024

Torture inquiry to be buried

Abdel al-Hakim Belhaj - did Britain collude in his torture?

Abdel al-Hakim Belhaj - did Britain collude in his torture?
Abdel al-Hakim Belhaj – did Britain collude in his torture?

David Cameron’s promise of a judge-led inquiry into evidence that Britain was actively involved in the secret rendition, abuse, and torture, of UK citizens and residents is to be quietly buried – quelle surprise.



An initial inquiry by  Sir Peter Gibson was wound up as further evidence of British complicity in rendition and torture emerged, Ken Clarke told MPs in 2012:

“The government fully intends to hold a judge-led inquiry into these issues once it is possible to do so and all related police investigations have been concluded.”

The Haze understands that MPs will learn on Thursday that the government is to renege on its promise and dump the issue in a widely acknowledged graveyard for enquires, the hapless and disingenuous scrutiny afforded by  the parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC)

Not for nothing are campaigners against torture and for transparency dismayed, we can expect the ISC’s deferential members to be easily stonewalled by the heads of the various agencies.

Repeated government promises of an independent judge led inquiry should be honoured – to refuse to do so breeds suspicion and smacks of a contempt for justice and the public, who have every reason to shudder with horror at the allegations made of British complicity in torture.

If a petition doesn’t exist yet calling for David Cameron to honour his promises then The Haze will start one.

Watch this space.