May 3, 2024

Britain is run by psychopaths – we need a revolution


The contemporary British establishment values itself but all others are expendable, just as in the days of empire. Comprised of upper class inheritance, elite wealth and willing apparatchiks, this privately educated cabal has shaped Britain in its own image. 

Their predominant traits are sociopathy, psychopathology and narcissism: the mandatory skill set being an ability to lie to yourself so deeply that you can to sell others lies about your deep commitment to morality, truth and patriotism. The only goods that these people recognise are those of status, power, material wealth and security.  

Caring about all human life is impossible within the establishment because it clashes with the raison d’être of its existence – winning. Compassion is rarely aligned with dominance: cabal members displaying such traits are seen as weak and a threat to the veneer of morality which hides their inhumanity. 

The last 48 hours have briefly removed the mask.  

Conservative MP Paul Bristow was sacked after calling for a ceasefire and immediate aid for Gaza. Labour MP Andy McDonald was suspended by Labour for calling for a cease fire, aid and peace for all Israelis and Palestinians.   

The British political class is not willing to oppose:

  • Israel’s genocide of Palestinians
  • British arms shipments to Israel
  • Israel’s siege of Gaza that is starving 2.3 million of food, water, medicines and power
  • the ethnic cleansing of 1 million Palestinians from northern Gaza  

The mildest internal opposition is thus punished, because it illuminates their moral bankruptcy.  Neither party will allow anyone to say “not in my name” nor represent the large public majority appalled by Israeli savagery.

Aligning with losers is not a winning strategy either for or within the establishment. From their point of view, Gaza is just a nuisance. Opposing the U.S. and Israel is out of the question but supporting genocide domestically problematic – especially for Sir Keir Starmer whose looming coronation is suddenly threatened. 

The British media are part of the establishment and so spin Israeli genocide as a new ‘war on terror’ and all criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism. Polly Toynbee declared that calling for a cease fire was mere semantics, Starmer took an Orwellian tack saying that a cease fire would lead to more violence. The 500,000 warm hearted Londoners pleading for Israel to stop murdering children were smeared by Suella Braverman as a ‘hate mob’ and the BBC waves away Israeli massacres as the collateral damage of a pursuit of Hamas – perversely blaming the dead for allowing themselves to be used as human shields

The Covid enquiry illuminated the total indifference that Boris Johnson (a true flower of the establishment) had for the elderly and vulnerable, his view being that they should accept their fate and get out of the way. While the establishment savages Johnson now, they smoothed his path and shielded him from moral scrutiny until his excesses became untenable.

The UK establishment wants Palestinians to accept their fate, such psychopathology being their norm. A Labour staffer quizzed as to how many dead Palestinian children were needed before Labour would call for a ceasefire just shrugged and said “as many as it takes”. As Boris Johnson said at office parties during the morally tiresome C-19 pandemic… “let the bodies pile high”

Those who object to the mass slaughter of innocents in Gaza are to be gaslighted, brow-beaten and smeared as racists. In this way the establishment hopes that the Israelis can swiftly finish their new Nakba, annex Gaza, bury the bodies quietly in mass graves and then ‘things’ can return to ‘normal’.

Only a British revolution will ever change this shit. I see little sign of this happening as the media has most of the public totally hypnotised.

My only slim hope is that the genocide in Gaza might yet expose the British establishment for the self-serving, deceitful bunch of psychopaths that they are and then sufficient numbers might rise from their slumber to throw them all out.

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Since 2013 I have worked on this Ad-Free site: trying to give a voice to those without the power or agency to speak out for themselves and speaking simple truths that well paid journalists in the corporate media dare not utter.

I am a home schooling parent on a low income – paying for the domain, web hosting and security entirely out of my own pocket.  

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Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.