May 4, 2024

Britain’s political and media class remain silent about mass graves in Gaza to protect themselves


Not a SINGLE WORD from the Tories or Labour about the mass graves recently found in Gaza. Think about this PLEASE – Keir Starmer’s Labour Party have NOTHING to say about a hospital being razed to the ground and hundreds of patients and staff being executed and then shoved into a mass grave. Where do we go from here? How much lower can Labour sink? How much lower can the UK sink?

Many of the patients were marched from hospital wards with bandages and catheters still attached and shot at point blank range in the back of the head. How do we know this? We know because the Israelis couldn’t even be bothered to cover their tracks and remove the evidence before burying them in a shallow trench.

Perhaps they assumed in their haste and arrogance that they would never leave Gaza or that they would leave no Palestinian alive to find the evidence, or perhaps they realised that nobody in the Western political and media class would dare or even care to speak out about it – turns out they were 100% correct on that last score. The West has no red lines for Israel, there is no depravity that Israel can commit that the West can’t ignore, cover-up and tastefully re-frame.  

It fell to the Deputy Leader of the SNP Mhairi Black to raise this latest massacre in parliament, since the lips of every Labour MP were sealed shut. The utterly depraved and deranged response of the Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden drew no pushback from Labour whatsoever. Read this exchange and weep for the soul of British morality in public life for it is truly dead.

Mhairi Black: “Two years ago when mass graves were discovered in Ukraine, this House united in condemnation and rightly treated these graves as evidence of war crimes, which Russia must be made to answer for. Yesterday, Palestinian officials uncovered two mass graves outside the bombed hospitals in Gaza. These graves also constitute as war crimes, don’t they?”

Oliver Dowden: “Well of course we would expect the democratic government of Israel to investigate any allegations of misconduct and that is exactly what they do, and it is exactly what the Foreign Secretary and the Prime Minister urge them to do. But I find it quite extraordinary that she seeks to draw parallels between the legitimate war of self defence of Israel and the conduct of Russia.”

Mhairi Black: “300 bodies, including the elderly and the injured, some of which had been stripped naked, mutilated, with their hands tied behind their backs. The UK’s own arms policy states that if there is even a risk that war crimes may be taking place, then that is reason enough to halt the sale of arms.Given all we know, why then is the Prime Minister yet to do so?”

Oliver Dowden: “We continue to urge the Israeli government to investigate any allegations of misconduct. The difference though is that we can trust the Israeli government, a democratically elected government, to properly investigate those things. Of course we keep the advice under review. The Foreign Secretary has recently made it clear that he has conducted a determination and has not changed his advice regarding export licences and I think that is the correct decision.”

Let us get the obvious things out of the way. The mass murder of 300 innocent and unarmed civilians, many (most) patients at a hospital is not merely an ‘allegation of misconduct’, it is a genocidal outrage, an evil crime against humanity. 

When Dr Harold Shipman stood accused of killing 250 of his own patients, we didn’t say that we trusted Dr. Shipman to investigate these ‘allegations of misconduct’ himself because well he was a doctor, a nice middle class chap and a member of the local golf club.

If (as seems likely) Russia prevails in its war in Ukraine, we will not trust an investigation into Russian war crimes at Bucha that is conducted by Russia. Justice is not served by allowing mass murderers to investigate themselves.

Rishi Sunak, Oliver Dowden, Keir Starmer and the mute ranks of Labour MP’s know this perfectly well of course and they also know just as well as we do, that the pictures of mass graves in Gaza are almost certainly just the tip of the iceberg. As Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory said recently, if the ICC is serious about investigating Israel for war crimes then they will be busy for decades. 

The current British political and media class are (with but a few honourable exceptions) not merely a disgrace – they are a moral abomination, they remain silent out of careerist self-interest and venal cowardice, afraid that their complicity in Israel’s genocide might be publicly exposed.

The mission of Israel to hide its genocidal crimes now dovetails snugly with the need for tens of thousands of Western officials, politicians and journalists to bury the truth, lest they be prosecuted for enabling Israel’s genocide.

Keir Starmer’s cabal are as silent as Rishi Sunak’s and will remain so, for things have gone too far for them to back out now. Their only way out of the noose of justice that Israel has put around their neck is for Israel to finish the job in Gaza, to leave no Palestinian alive to tell the truth about what the West is sponsoring and protecting there.

So the weapons and the money will keep flowing to Israel, media portals like the BBC and The Guardian will join the usual suspects in carrying Israel’s bloodied water as far they can and nobody in the mainstream political parties will have a damn thing to say about it.

This conspiracy of silence and military brutality is not to defeat Hamas, or Iran or even to defend Israel – its continuance simply furthers the careers of those content to go along with genocide and to keep those bribed with Israeli shekels out of jail.  

I have to tell you that when I scan the western media right now and watch the venal dissembling of the U.S. and the U.K, that I am not just ashamed to hold a UK passport, I am ashamed to be a human being.

The silent and complicit enablers of Israel’s genocide must all be exposed to the light, there is no chance of the mainstream media doing so because they are all in on it, so we’ll have to do it.

Twas ever thus. Let’s get to work.


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