May 4, 2024

Did we all take stupid pills? It’s the election fraud dummies! That’s why May called an election…

There can be no excuses, I was taken in as perhaps y’all were taken in. I’m embarrassed to admit, I couldn’t see the link between this abrupt election call and the tory election fraud scandal until others pointed it out.

Now I see it, its so obvious my only defence is to say it was hidden in plain sight. I let you down – let me try and make amends…

29 Tory MP’s running for office in marginal constituencies are under criminal investigation by 16 police forces. This report released in March by the Electoral Commission makes it clear that  the Conservative party gained an advantage by breaching election spending laws during the 2015 election – part of a vast and sophisticated campaign to rig the key marginals which formed the direct basis of their majority in parliament.

One can almost hear the cogs turning at Conservative HQ, its  one thing to call an election, quite another to be forced to call one because you have been caught rigging the last one.

Of course the corporate media are as silent as the grave about this story and obligingly splashed a Leninist “crush the saboteurs” narrative across their front pages instead – but this story was about to blow….

…so how convenient it is that this election provides both an enormous distraction from multiple imminent prosecutions and a perfect excuse to render the 2015 result irrelevant. As we lurch towards a disastrous Brexit how many would remain comfortable with the referendum result if they knew that the general election that secured it was rigged?

Don’t expect Theresa May to be asked any questions about why she is allowing MP’s under criminal investigation to stand as candidates in marginal constituencies – she would have no answer, other than the obvious, she can’t withdraw them because it would underline their guilt and draw attention to the scandal.

As anyone who seriously watches British politics has long known, the Tories aren’t interested in the law, the nation, democracy or really anybody outside of their own circles – they are little better than petty thugs, grabbing power by any means then asset stripping the UK for a wealthy mafia.

Just as the veneer of patriotism and respectability was about to fall away – the Tories have plunged the nation into an election purely to cover their tracks – what else could possibly be said that defines their morality more than that simple truth?

Yesterday I urged Haze readers to talk of anything but Brexit – today I suggest we talk of nothing but the election fraud scandal. This isn’t the Brexit election as The Independent obligingly tags it this morning (underneath the story about Corbyn resigning, quelle surprise aye readers!?) – its a cover up election, a fraud designed to conceal a fraud.

Theresa May has began he election campaign by landing a helicopter on a golf course in Bolton and refusing to speak to or answer questions from local people or constituency workers – this from the woman who said she would rather meet ordinary voters than bother with tiresome televised debates! 

Theresa May out and about meeting her people….

Quite aside from her hilarious limitations as a debater, its now easy to see why Theresa May won’t engage in a televised debate, she is being insulated from public scrutiny lest someone asks her awkward questions about electoral fraud.

Do look out for  her helicopter as it flies overhead to another photo opportunity – its the closest you’ll get to asking her a question about anything. 

For the love of god don’t get sucked in as I was yesterday by the hoopla of this joke election – this is about the fraud dummies!! Get out there and let everyone know what this bullshit poll is really about – its just possible that if enough of us work at it – that FINALLY the people of this country might wake up once and for all to what the Tories represent and who they really do it for.

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