May 3, 2024


What a strange title this will appear to anyone reading this. At this time of writing, the Israeli occupying force is unleashing a litany of increasing horrors in Palestine as a planned genocide is being carried out. Bodies – mostly of women and children – mutilated by air and land strikes pile up in the streets and hospitals of Gaza: many denied by Israeli troops even a burial. Families are being erased in one strike: perhaps leaving a single family-less toddler paralysed by shrapnel. So much more could be written …

So where and what are these so-called gifts?

Witnessing the response of Gazean doctors, nurses, first responders, journalists, family members, ordinary citizens to the hell on earth that is being inflicted on them: as they rush to the aid of others, despite personal suffering and safety threats.

Two defining moments for me:

Watching coverage of Al Jazeera journalist Wael Al-Dahdouh standing in intense grief after the death of his close family in an air strike on their home, defiantly stating that he would continue to tell the truth about what was happening in Gaza. 

Hearing doctors and nurses in response to calls from the IDF to evacuate northern Gazan hospitals replying that they would not desert their patients. (Many have now been forced out by gun point or arrested). 

The impact on me? I am sloughing off a degree of petty self-preoccupied fear which lurks in my heart. I live on a continent largely controlled by a neo-liberal narrative which is always coercing us to concentrate on ourselves and have the ‘perfect’ family, life, job and figure. It causes intense mental suffering and isolation for huge numbers of people: perhaps the majority in one way or another. It has turned us against ourselves and defined success in consumerist rather than human terms. The fabric of caring for and upholding others which gives human life dignity and purpose has been gradually eroded away by intentional policies. The idea of well-being has become privatised and disconnected. I believe human lives – indeed all life on this planet – depend for their health of mind, body and spirit on the well-being of all. Our lives are fundamentally interconnected.

I’m being deeply reminded of what a truly human response looks like in the actions of so many caught up in the hellish realities of life in Gaza right now – and it is a gift to my soul. I say thank you, amidst tears and anger – and commit myself to responding as fully as I can in kind.

Emma Karran

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Since 2013 I have worked on this Ad-Free site: trying to give a voice to those without the power or agency to speak out for themselves and speaking simple truths that well paid journalists in the corporate media dare not utter.

I am a home schooling parent on a low income – paying for the domain, web hosting and security entirely out of my own pocket.  

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Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.