May 3, 2024

This newspaper is enabling genocide


The Guardian is a pillar of the pro-war establishment and a Zionist propaganda sheet, made all the more dangerous by its carefully crafted facade of progressive thinking and journalistic integrity. 

When Israel bombed a school full of Palestinian children in 2014, their headline was ‘The World Stands Ashamed’. This is their stock response to all Israeli atrocities, I call it the ‘Homer Simpson’ excuse.

Homer is late putting his garbage out and calls the collectors ‘trash eating scumbags!’ The bin men angrily ask Homer to repeat himself and Homer replies “erm I dunno a lot of people were yelling stuff…” 

When Israeli snipers shoot peaceful protestors in the head, The Guardian says they are ‘involved in clashes’.  This snippet from today’s Live Blog deploys the excuse perfectly:

“The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza says more than 9,000 people have been killed in the territory since 7 October, when Hamas militants crossed into Israel and killed more than 1,400 people.”

Spot the difference: Hamas kills people but Palestinians just get ‘killed in the territory’ and anyway those figures are from the ‘Hamas-run health ministry’ so can be sort of ignored.  The Guardian endlessly tries to spin Israeli murders. A lot of people are yelling stuff. 

Where the Homer Simpson excuse looks untenable they publish packs of lies instead and wait for establishment back up.  After Israel bombed the al-Ahli Arab Hospital, a hastily concocted pack of lies  attempted to deceive their readership and Western intelligence agencies promptly assisted.   

Hacks at their egregious live blog smeared the hospital as ‘Hamas-run’ and misrepresented the testimony of Medicin San Frontiers as ‘fluid reports’: this after hospital staff blamed Israel directly at a press conference surrounded by corpses. This didn’t stop Gaby Hinsliff from chiding readers for accepting that Israel was responsible. The Guardian also felt the need to ‘piece together’ the genocidal Israeli attack on the Jabalia refugee camp: a PR exercise sprinkled with Hamas references and quotes from the IDF and a prime example of how The Guardian embraces horror in order to spin it.

While the attacks of October 7th are replayed endlessly, daily Israeli atrocities are spun as ‘operations’ or ‘air strikes’ and swiftly forgotten. The fate of Israeli hostages is never far from the headlines – but Palestinian hostages who are similarly imprisoned without charge are rarely mentioned and are not called ‘hostages’ but ‘prisoners’.

The Guardian has colluded with the Israeli lobby to weaponise the Holocaust and silence dissent via allegations of anti-Semitism. This has given Israel the sense that they transcend international law and moral scrutiny: an ethos that has meshed diabolically with Zionism to facilitate the current genocide. Rather than recognise this, The Guardian has doubled down on its role as spin doctors of genocide.

Jeremy Corbyn’s career and the democratisation of the Labour movement were torn apart by The Guardian in open collusion with right wingers and now they buff and shield pro-Israeli Starmer at every turn

With adroit juxtaposition, The Guardian has joined establishment attacks on pro-Palestinian solidarity: trying to smear them as a pro-Hamas anti-Semitic threat that has Jews worried. 

Jews that criticise Israel are side-lined and disgraceful column pieces by the likes of Polly Toynbee and Jonathon Freedland given top billing.

The Guardian’s pro-Israeli propaganda is undeniably artful. They will relay U.N. statements etc but the balance is heavily in Israel’s favour. Large dollops of propaganda from the IDF, the U.S. and the Israeli government are relayed without comment. Conversely, rare dissenting voices like that of the Irish government are frowned at and articles written to ‘explain’ their ‘outlier’ position.

The Guardian’s skill at misrepresenting its Zionist, pro-war bilge as journalism is exactly why it is the crown jewel of Western propaganda outlets. That people send it money truly is sickening. This media behemoth ruthlessly polices the limits of ‘acceptable’ debate and all direct criticism of Israel is suppressed and attacked. 

The Guardian is uniquely responsible for facilitating and covering up the unfolding holocaust in Gaza and there are many people on its pay roll that ought to be held to account, 

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