May 3, 2024

Navalny’s death used to hide western failures in Ukraine and their support for Israel’s genocide


We are instructed by our corporate media overlords in the increasingly feudal western anglosphere to be outraged at the death of Russian dissident Alexi Navalny. It’s true that his death in prison was as predictable as the mysterious ‘accident’ that befell Yevgeny Prigozhin. Russian dissidents have a long history of grisly outcomes and I applaud those who continue to take extraordinarily courageous moral stands  – but I will not be given moral lectures by Western political and media types about it and neither should any Russian. 

We are told to never forget Navalny by the same people who want us to hurriedly forget about:

  • Ed Snowden, given refuge by Russia for exposing the horrifying reach of illegal and oppressive U.S. surveillance of wholly innocent domestic and foreign citizens.
  • U.S. citizen Gonzalo Lira who died without a murmur of protest from the U.S. after torture in a Ukrainian jail for exposing their lies on Youtube. 
  • Guantanamo Bay and the web of US black ops torture bases worldwide
  • Julian Assange – hounded, imprisoned and psychologically tortured for exposing U.S. war crimes. 

Navalny of course is a very useful distraction from the collapse of NATO’s gambits in Ukraine but more importantly it diverts attention away from Gaza  – for we are all commanded to completely forget about Gaza. Nothing to see here – move along.  

Forget all about Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Look over here at a manufactured anti-semitism kerfuffle in Rochdale, look over there at manufactured Israeli accusations against UNWRA (based on zero evidence), look at your naval as you consume headlines about the conveniently timed and prominently splashed terror of perfectly safe Jews in the UK – but whatever you do just forget about Gaza.

Forget about the ICJ judgment that Israel has a plausible case to answer for genocide, forget about Israel storming hospitals, slaughtering children and exterminating entire families on a daily basis. forget Israel using mass starvation and dehydration in the extermination camp that is Gaza and most of all forget all about the direct complicity of western governments in Israel’s genocide. 

Nobody should take moral lectures from western politicians and western media hacks seriously anymore. The West’s bullshit about itself as the moral policemen of the world has been terminally exposed by Gaza and no finger wagging at Russia or manufactured hoopla about anti-Semitism is going to rescue it.

The death of Alexi Navalny should not be a moment for westerners to direct another blizzard of hypocritical moralising towards the ‘evil Russian regime’ – instead we ought to reflect on how we might oppose the evils of the Western regime, most notably our unwavering support for Israel’s genocide.

Using the death of Alexi Navalny to deflect attention away from the West’s abject failures in Ukraine and their venal sins in Gaza, is a predictably shabby abuse of the West’s power to control media narratives from a morally bankrupt empire – don’t fall for it. 

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