May 3, 2024

Want a genocide enabler? Vote LABOUR


A terminal moment of moral exposure for the Labour Party occured last night . We have long said that Keir Starmer’s crew should not be supported by anyone with a scrap of morality or self respect and their moral bankruptcy is now revealed for all to see.

An SNP amendment to the King’s Speech Bill demanding an immediate cease fire in Gaza was not supported by Labour. A three line whip to abstain on the amendment was defied by only 56 out of the 193 Labour MP’s. History will record that when Israel progressed a genocide against the Palestinians in 2023, the British Labour Party took its orders from the Israeli lobby and the U.S.

Tens of thousands of innocent Gazans have been slaughtered in an indiscriminate bombing campaign – most women and children. Israel has attacked schools, mosques, refugee camps, ambulances, journalists, civilian convoys, residential tower blocks, civilian infrastructure and hospitals in an orgy of fascist hatred. In storming Al-shifa hospital Israel has murdered doctors, shot patients through hospital windows, driven desperately ill patients on to the street, terrorised medical staff, forced new borns out of incubators and directly shelled hospital buildings. 

A civilian population of 2.4 million people are being starved to death inside Gaza which is now effectively a fascist death camp. Israel continues with these genocidal outrages in defiance of every possible tenet of international law and a legally binding UN security council resolution. 

As the children of Gaza scream for food,water and protection from the death squads of the IDF, what does Labour have to say? Nothing. The US has designated Gaza and its people as expendable and so Labour MP’s sit on their hands and hide as cowards behind the lies and obfuscations of the Israeli government.

Nobody should be surprised by this. The right wing of the Labour Party are tories in all but name. They joined with the U.S. to facilitate all the horrors of Iraq. They are delighted to rehabilitate Tony Blair of Belgravia and abandon Julian Assange in Belmarsh. 

The Labour Party has been wholly captured by capital and is a blot on the moral landscape, full of mendacious people who carve out a career serving the already powerful and wealthy. 

Britain’s broken electoral system will offer voters this non-choice at the next election: Want a genocide enabler VOTE LABOUR, want the same coloured blue then the TORIES are for you.

The Labour / Tory duopoly is a sham, implying a choice when you have none, representing no moral constituency nor moral leadership.  In the short term the establishment will have to be forced to act over Gaza since they have no moral compass to guide them. In the long term we need a revolution in British politics, we need a new party to represent human values and basic human decency.

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