May 3, 2024

Exposed: The western interference that sabotaged peace in Ukraine


A report published last week exposes the real reasons why Ukraine has been plunged into an endless bloodbath – unsurprisingly it has nothing to do with caring about Ukraine, international law or basic morality.

These are serious people. Michael von der Schulenburg is a former UN Assistant Secretary-General. Hajo Funke is Professor Emeritus for political sciences of the Otto-Suhr-Institute/ Freie University Berlin.General (ret.) Harald Kujat was the highest ranging German officer of the Bundeswehr and at NATO.

They provide a detailed timeline of the Ukrainian-Russian peace negotiations in March 2022 and offer six conclusions:

1. Just one month after the start of the Russian military intervention in Ukraine, Ukrainian and Russian negotiators had come very close to a ceasefire and an outline peace solution.

2. In contrast to today, Zelensky’s government wanted peace with Russia and a quick end to the war.

3. Contrary to Western interpretations, Ukraine and Russia agreed at the time that NATO expansion invoked the war. They therefore focused their peace negotiations on Ukrainian s neutrality. In return, Ukraine would have retained all territorial integrity except Crimea.

4. The negotiations failed due to interference from NATO, the USA and the UK. They didn’t want an end to NATO’s eastward expansion and the dream of a unipolar world dominated by the USA.

5. The failed peace negotiations led to an intensification of the war that has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of lives. Ukraine has suffered massive destruction, displacements and impoverishment. Not only Russia, but also NATO and the West bear a heavy share of the blame for this.

6. Ukraine’s negotiating position is now far worse than it was in March 2022. 

7. The blocking of the peace negotiations has harmed everyone: Russia and Europe – but above all the people of Ukraine, who are paying with their blood the price for the ambitions of the major powers and will probably get nothing in return

The truth is the Ukrainians will get much less than nothing.

Thanks to the nakedly aggressive imperialist ambitions of the U.S. and its vassals the devastation of Ukraine will include:

  • Losing large swathes of territory it could have retained
  • Its shattered economy being kept afloat with loans that will enslave its populace for generations
  • The suspension of democracy and free speech
  • Bitter palace intrigues that will see Zelensky or one of his crony generals clinging to power – a corrupt tinpot dictator.
  • Heavily armed neo-Nazi militias within the Ukrainian military and government 
  • A landscape riddled with minefields, depleted Uranium and destroyed infrastructure.
  • A Ukrainian diaspora scattered across Europe with hardly a family that hasn’t lost a loved one

Once the bubble headed western fantasy of using Ukraine to invoke regime change in Russia finally pops, Ukraine will become just another shattered state in a long line of sacrifice zones like Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.

All of the thunderous moralising and bellicose tub-thumping for war was never about defending Ukraine – it was just business as usual for a western empire that cares about precisely nothing except its overarching fantasy of global hegemony

Please let this be a lesson for all. The western political and media establishment is a lying machine, one that is wholly integral to the imperialist ambitions of the U.S.

The western empire endlessly weaponises morality as a vital method of control. Let the bloodbaths in Ukraine and Gaza be the last time any of us are taken in by it.

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