May 3, 2024

Why nothing will be done to save Gaza


We said before that events in Gaza fired a flare across the moral landscape, revealing the mendacity, immorality and cynicism of the world’s ruling classes and their enablers. Each day in Gaza now delivers horrors worst than the next.

Yesterday Palestinian civilians including toddler age children were executed at point blank range while sheltering in a school. The illumination of the moral dystopia is now more like a set of floodlights. 

The ruling classes will tolerate, support and provide cover for Israel no matter what they do, for the precedent of power being held to account is beyond the pale for them in a way that genocide is not.  

The question as to whether Israel is conducting a genocide in Gaza is now settled.

Palestinians trying to bear witness to Israeli crimes are murdered – doctors, journalists, teachers and poets are all being slain.

All medical, educational, religious and administrative infrastructure is being methodically destroyed. All food into Gaza is blocked – and at least a million people are now starving to death. 

Indiscriminate bombing has thus far killed 18,787 including over 7,700 children with thousands more still buried under rubble. Broken hospitals are crowded with injured and mutilated casualties who lack even pain relief. Mass graves, some containing entire extended families are everywhere.

Palestinians have been paraded naked for the media amid reports of torture and sexual abuse. Over 1.7 million have been driven into Southern Gaza where Israel then intensifies its bombing. 

All this of course can come as no surprise to anyone – since it is simply what the Israeli government said it was going to do and has been doing for decades with impunity.

The oft touted canard that Hamas is using civilians as human shields is an inversion of the truth – for it is Israel and the west that is cowardly hiding behind Hamas for camouflage and moral cover.

Some ask why the Genocide Convention has not been activated, thus triggering a reference to the International Court of Justice – but the answer is obvious. The case that Israel is engaged in genocide is so easily proven that not only would Netanyahu and many in his fascist government be subject to arrest warrants, but many complicit western leaders and senior politicians would be too.


Puppet politicians like Sunak and Starmer can be thrown under the bus, but the prospect of ANY elite being held criminally responsible raises the prospect that they all might be. Materially powerful people always run scared that their privilege, excesses and crimes might come under scrutiny. 

While western geopolitical advantage is unquestionably a factor in their support for Israel – the real reason why nothing will be done to save the Palestinian people from a contemporary holocaust is that the power of popular moral discontent terrifies cabals across the globe.

Gaza then is our a last exit for the lost – a grisly dress rehearsal for how the elites will play out the gathering ecological collapse.

If we don’t want the future of our children to look like Gaza then we had better turn up to save the Palestinians.

If we can’t collectively make and win a moral argument against a genocide beamed right into our social media feeds hour by hour…

…then there is little hope for the future of our species. 

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Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.