May 3, 2024

Nobody can weep for Gaza silently – all must speak out


As Israel proceeds with its extermination and forced transfer of the Palestinian people, I address directly those good people who weep for Gaza but remain silent.

We know that there are some who have abandoned their souls directly to evil; people who order, carry out and defend the fascist atrocities of the Israeli state. There is no lie these people will not tell and their goal is to destroy even the possibility of truth being spoken. This includes not just the toxic racists who have seized control of the narrative in Israel but also the morally bankrupt political and media class of the west – they are beyond redemption and appealing to their morality is pointless.

We know also of the comfortably numb who shuffle to avoid any disruption to their soporific consumerism. Habits of selfishness, apathy, wilful stupidity and indifference are too entrenched for some. If the industrial slaughter of children doesn’t stir their consciences then nothing will. Such people are just as lost as the perpetrators and defenders of wickedness – arguing with them is also pointless.

But then there are people whose souls remain fundamentally intact – who allow the anguish and suffering of the Palestinians to affect them, who struggle to see through the fog of propaganda to the truths of Gaza, but who thus far have remained silent – it is this constituency (of westerners especially) that I address directly today.

What are you waiting for? Do you seriously imagine that your elected leaders have the political dignity and moral strength to act on your behalf? They don’t and they won’t. Do you hope that somehow the Palestinians will miraculously deliver themselves from this modern day holocaust? They can’t and they are screaming for our help.

Where do you think this is going and what forces are at work in Gaza? Over 2 million people are being bombed, starved, dehydrated and abandoned to disease by a fascist regime who share the morals and tactics of Nazi Germany towards the Warsaw Uprising. Without your help, how do think that is going to end?

How do you think history will judge your silence? How will you judge yourself once the death count is in the hundreds of thousands and Israel sends in the bulldozers to bury the dead in mass graves all over Gaza? It will be too late to protest then – the time to oppose fascism is always now.

Being on the right side of history is rarely about being on the winning team. I don’t appeal today to those already lost to wickedness and indifference, nor even for the slaughtered innocents of Palestine – I plead for the the good people who have yet to speak out.

Try as they might, the Israeli government and the western media cannot hide the atrocities taking place in Gaza – the case for moral resistance is crystal clear. For every generation there are issues that cannot be left to someone else, horrors that compel us to act even at the cost of our own lives. In these cusp times we can choose to keep ourselves safe but at a savage cost.

I say to all the good people who have yet to protest against the ongoing slaughter of the Palestinians – act now. Speak out today for soon it will be too late to save the children of Gaza…or your own soul. 

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Since 2013 I have worked on this Ad-Free site: trying to give a voice to those without the power or agency to speak out for themselves and speaking simple truths that well paid journalists in the corporate media dare not utter.

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Thank you in solidarity with all our readers. John Lynch, Editor.